[stuff about the CLT deleted]

So you can use R usefully to eveluate general statisical issues of this kind!

absolutely! R is excellent for this sort of thing. I use it for teaching stats all the time.
I'd say that without a tool like R you cannot learn statistics.

Consider an exponential distribution, which is very skewed.

f <- function(n){mean(rexp(n))}

then f(10) gives the mean of 10 independent exponentially distributed random
variables. Then


gives us a histogram of 10000 observations of a variable that is itself the mean of 10 exponential variables. It still looks a bit skew to me. Try 100 exponential variables:


Still a tiny bit skew.

hist(replicate(1000,f(1000))) which is indistinguishable from a Gaussian.

So as n -> infinity, the CLT kicks in. But here 100 is a bit less than infinity and 1000 ~= infinity.

It's one thing to know a theoretical result, it's quite another to verify it numerically.

Kia Ora

Best wishes,

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