On 10 Dec 2004 at 11:47, michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:

> Hi
> I have a function which draws a plot, using the layout() function to
> divide the screen into two parts.  The function works fine, but then
> my next call to plot() draws the plot in the first section of the plot
> I've just drawn using layout() - whereas what I want it to do is
> create a new plot.
> I tried using dev.off() but that just closes the layout plot window,
> which is not what I want.  So my question is - after using the
> layout() function, "layout(matrix(c(1,2), 2, 1))", how do I tell R


what is wrong on this:

layout(matrix(c(1,2), 2, 1))
windows() #opens the new graphic device see ?device, ?windows

BTW did you read my previous post to your question about legend 
on a new window?


> that the next call to a plotting function should use a new window, and
> not the layout window?  I've looked in ?layout but there doesn't seem
> to be anything in there.
> Thanks
> Mick
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