Paul Hewson wrote:

(apologies, I'm not entirely sure whether this question is about R or my
limitations with PowerPoint).   I've submitted a paper (which has been
accepted) but the journal now require me to submit graphs that are
"editable in PowerPoint".   I would be grateful for suggestions as to
how I should do this.

The best route seems to be to copy-and-paste the figures from the
windows() device as a metafile.   However, on converting the graphs to
an editable format and "ungrouping" them, it appears that every line,
tickmark, dot and dash is treated as a separate entity by PowerPoint
(for example even the horizontal and vertical parts of "+" are
separated).   Alternatively, reading in the files from a saved metafile
is even more problematic: having used par(new = TRUE) I have a set of
layered graphs and all but the last one dissapear once I open the
graphic for editing.

Is this normal for a figure "editable by PowerPoint" or am I doing
something horribly wrong somewhere?

Many thanks


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paul Hewson Lecturer in Statistics School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Plymouth Drake Circus Plymouth PL4 8AA

tel (01752) 232778
fax (01752) 232780


I had hoped that journals engaged in reproducible research by now.

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
                     Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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