>>>>> "AndyL" == Liaw, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>     on Fri, 14 Jan 2005 13:00:03 -0500 writes:

    AndyL> Cut and paste the following function (to be in next
    AndyL> release of R, I believe) 

that's correct; it's in current R-devel (for which snapshots
are available from CRAN).

    AndyL> and type:

    AndyL> RSiteSearch("election maps")

    AndyL> This, of course, assumes that you have Internet
    AndyL> connection.

    AndyL> Andy

    AndyL> RSiteSearch <- function(string,
    AndyL>      restrict=c("Rhelp02a","Rhelp01","functions","docs"),
    AndyL>      format="normal", sortby="score", matchesPerPage=20) {

    AndyL> string <-
    AndyL> paste("http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=";,
    AndyL>    ..............
    AndyL>    ..............

one of the differences of the R-devel version of RSiteSearch()
and yours is that we now have the nice `generic' URL
    http://search.R-project.org/  {which resolves to Jonathan Baron's site}


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