We are currently running R under Windows 2000 on a server box running with 2 
1.2 GHZ Intel Pentium III Processors.  We would like to run this on a new 
computer running Linux and receive a significant speed increase over our 
current implementation.   Could anyone provide some suggestions for a fast 64 
BIT Intel based processor computer with a  recommendation  for memory and 
speed/type/number of processors.  Also which version of R would install 
"out-of-the-box" easily on this computer and what version of Linux should be 
used?  Thanks in advance for any help.
Jon Dressel, MCSE MCSA MCP A+<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Applications Supervisor

SurroMed, Inc.

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