I am trying to plot in R from a perl script using the Statistics::R
package as my bridge.  The following are the conditions:

0. I am running from a Linux server.

1. Even without xwindows the following saves test.png correctly from an
interactive session with R:
> xy<-cbind(1,1)
> png("test.png")
> plot(xy)
> dev.off()

2. However, when called from the perl script I get the ff. warning:
X11 module is not available under this GUI
and nothing is saved

3. I tried to hijack the script by modifying
lib/Statistics/R/Bridge/Linux.pm to remove the
"gui=none" setting
$this->{START_CMD} = "$this->{R_BIN} --slave --vanilla --gui=none" ;
changed to
$this->{START_CMD} = "$this->{R_BIN} --slave --vanilla" ;

4.  When plotting in R from the perl script again, I no longer get the
warning and  I get test.png saved, but it is empty.

Please advise.

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