I want to get some "simple" logic regression examples to work before
exploring a hard problem.

I can get results, but I'm having some problems using "cat" to save the
logic regression equation to a disk file.

Consider this:

# Simple Logic Regression Example
# efg, 23 Feb 2005


# Create simulated data with known logic equation:

# "noise" logic matrix
X <- matrix(as.numeric(runif(160) < 0.5), 20,8)
colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(X), sep="")
rownames(X) <- paste("case", 1:nrow(X), sep="")

# Define expected result:  Y = (NOT X2) AND X6
Y <- as.numeric(!X[,2] & X[,6])

# set seed for reproducible test

# 100 interations too few:  some results in single node with |Parameter| < 1
Annealing <- logreg.anneal.control(start = -1, end = -4, iter = 500, update
= 50)

logicfit <- logreg(resp=Y, bin=X,
                   type = REGRESSION.TYPE<-2,
                   select = FIT.SINGLE.MODEL<-1,
                   nleaves=2,   # force shape of final tree

# I don't always want to see the plot

# I'd like to write my regression equation to a file and
# then run many times to test my parameter selection
# with a known case before exploring unknown cases


# In this case I want either of these equivalent answers
# (equivalent via DeMorgan's Theorem), and no others,
# such as single node results.

I want to run this say 100s (later 1000s) of times and look at the variation
in the results.  I want to figure out what parameters I should use so I only
see these results:

score 0
 +1 * (X6 and (not X2))

 -1 * ((not X6) or X2)

# I can't use cat to write this model to a file:
> cat(logicfit)
Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) :
        argument 1 not yet handled by cat

> summary(logicfit)
               Length Class       Mode
nsample          1    -none-      numeric
nbinary          1    -none-      numeric
nseparate        1    -none-      numeric
type             1    -none-      character
select           1    -none-      character
anneal.control   5    -none-      list
tree.control     4    -none-      list
seed             1    -none-      numeric
choice           1    -none-      numeric
nleaves          1    -none-      numeric
ntrees           1    -none-      numeric
penalty          1    -none-      numeric
response        20    -none-      numeric
binary         160    -none-      numeric
separate         1    -none-      numeric
censor          20    -none-      numeric
weight          20    -none-      numeric
model            5    logregmodel list
call             8    -none-      call

# Just the logicfit$model would be good enough but I can't "cat" that

> logicfit$model
 +1 * (X6 and (not X2))
> cat(logicfit$model)
Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) :
        argument 1 not yet handled by cat

Using sink to get this result seems to be a huge kludge:
> sink("saveresults.txt")
> logicfit$model
> sink()
> results <- readLines("saveresults.txt")
> results
[1] " +1 * (X6 and (not X2))"

# FINALLY something I could write this result to a file:.
> cat(results, "\n")
 +1 * (X6 and (not X2))

What is a simple way to get my logic regression equation as a string that I
can "cat"
without dealing with the internal data structures that are present here?

Thanks for any help with this.

Earl F. Glynn
Scientific Programmer
Bioinformatics Department
Stowers Institute for Medical Research

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