Tilo Blenk wrote:
Maybe argument 'fill' of read.table is the solution.

The default value is FALSE in read.table and, therefore, any line not having the same number of fields as the first line (not skipped) will make problems. If set to TRUE, as in read.delim and read.csv, lines with less number of fields get blank fields added at the end.

If exporting tab delimited text files from Excel lines with empty fields at the end in the Excel file often have less fields than the header line in the text file. Reading them with read.delim fixes that.

If the problem is more complicated you probably need to find the lines with count.fields and correct them manually.

You can find them (actually the line number) with something like

which(count.fields('data.txt') != count.fields('data.txt')[1])

assuming that the first line has the correct number of fields.


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is this an answer to a R-help question?
If so, I'd like to suggest to cite the original post and reply also to the original poster who might not be a subscribed member of this list...

Uwe Ligges

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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