Please use a meaningful subject line!

You want SlowSleep == 7.7, not SlowSleep = 7.7.

Have you read the posting guide as others (including myself) have suggested? Have you also read "An Introduction To R," which comes with all R distributions?


Brett Stansfield wrote on 3/17/2005 8:09 PM:
I recently tried to make R highlight certain features in a scatterplot

pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife", "loggest",
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5))

        this worked fine but when I wanted to add another condition i.e
where another variable SlowSleep = 7.7, this is what I got
        > pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife",
"loggest", "logbw")],
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5 & SlowSleep=7.7))
        Error: syntax error
        > pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife",
"loggest", "logbw")],
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5 & SlowSleep= 7.7))
        Error: syntax error
        > pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife",
"loggest", "logbw")],
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5 & SlowSleep = 7.7))
        Error: syntax error
        I then tried two separate col statements as below
        > pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife",
"loggest", "logbw")],
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5)
*       col1=2+as.integer(SlowSleep = 7.7))
        Error: syntax error
        > pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbrw", "loglife",
"loggest", "logbw")],
*       col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5)
*       col=2+as.integer(SlowSleep = 7.7))
Error: syntax error
But still no joy, can you recommend anything

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