
Thanks for the instructive responses. But two questions arise.
Firstable I can't manage to load the library "mice".
I'm using R 2.0.1 on my Debian
I try just copying the package in my library /usr/lib/R/library .
but when i do >library()
mice ** No title available (pre-2.0.0 install?) **
and when i do > library(mice)
Error in library(mice) : 'mice' is not a valid package --installed < 2.0.0?

The second question is more statistical:
aregImpute() seems to give good results but i would like to compare the different methods not just graphically. It'is possible?
I also have other meteorological stations that have correleted data with the data station I'm using? Can I use those data to improve my imputation method.



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