
I'm using RSPerl_0.6-3 calling R from Perl under UNIX system. My perl programs 
with the RSPerl work well in my computer.  If submitting these programs to a 
UNIX system by 'ssh' or to GNQS system by 'qsub', these programs do not work 
even though both systems can run R.  Details are following.  Any suggestion 
will be highly appreciated.


My perl program 'tt.pl'
   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   use R;
   use RReferences;
   @t = &R::call("min", (1,2));

I have a script 'doRSPerltt' for the perl program
   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/R/lib
   setenv R_HOME /usr/lib/R
   perl -I/usr/lib/R/site-library/RSPerl/examples/../share/blib/arch 
-I/usr/lib/R/site-library/RSPerl/scripts t

I used ssh to submit my job to machine 'queen'
   ssh queen 'cd /nfs/fs/clarke/xiaoliu && ./doRSPerltt'
An error message returns
   Fatal error: you must specify `--save', `--no-save' or `--vanilla'

If using 'qsub' to submit my job to a GNQS system
An error message returns
   Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
   Thus no job control in this shell.
   Fatal error: you must specify `--save', `--no-save' or `--vanilla'

XIAO LIU wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm using RSPerl_0.6-3 calling R from Perl under UNIX system.  My perl 
> programs with the RSPerl work well in my computer.  However, if submitting to 
> GNQS system, these programs do not work.  It requires defining '--vanilla'.  
> Can anyone tell me what I should do? 

Are you certain this has something to do with RSPerl.
Specifically, have you tried running an R program on a GNQS system
and ensuring that works without --vanilla (as part of the command line 

If it is only for RSPerl, perhaps you would do well to post the
error message that is generated.

> Thank in advance
> Xiao
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