Achim Zeileis wrote:

On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dear All

I would like to know whether it is possible with R to define a
discrete random variable different from the ones already defined
inside R and generate random numbers from that user-defined

Yes. One generic way is to specify the quantile function (as in
qpois() etc.) and do qfun(runif(N)).

If the support discrete but also finite, you can also use sample(), e.g.

 sample(myset, N, replace = TRUE, prob = myprob)


  O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3
 c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             FAX: (+45) 35327907

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one can also use our R package "distr" to generate discrete random variables. The subsequent code provides a function which generates an object of class "DiscreteDistribution" based on a finite support "supp". If "prob" is missing all elements in "supp" are equally weighted.


# generating function
DiscreteDistribution <- function(supp, prob){
stop("'supp' is no numeric vector")
if(any(!is.finite(supp))) # admit +/- Inf?
stop("inifinite or missing values in supp")
len <- length(supp)
prob <- rep(1/len, len)
if(len != length(prob))
stop("'supp' and 'prob' must have equal lengths")
stop("inifinite or missing values in prob")
if(!identical(all.equal(sum(prob), 1,
tolerance = 2*distr::TruncQuantile), TRUE))
stop("sum of 'prob' has to be (approximately) 1")
if(!all(prob >= 0))
stop("'prob' contains values < 0")
if(length(usupp <- unique(supp)) < len){
warning("collapsing to unique support values")
prob <- as.vector(tapply(prob, supp, sum))
supp <- sort(usupp)
len <- length(supp)
o <- order(supp)
supp <- supp[o]
prob <- prob[o]
if(len > 1){
if(min(supp[2:len] - supp[1:(len - 1)]) < distr::DistrResolution)
stop("grid too narrow --> change DistrResolution")
rfun <- function(n){
sample(x = supp, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
intervall <- distr::DistrResolution / 2

   supp.grid <- as.numeric(matrix(
                     rbind(supp - intervall, supp + intervall), nrow = 1))
   prob.grid <- c(as.numeric(matrix(rbind(0, prob), nrow = 1)), 0)
   dfun <- function(x){ stepfun(x = supp.grid, y = prob.grid)(x) }

   cumprob <- cumsum(prob)
   pfun <- function(x){ stepfun(x = supp, y = c(0, cumprob))(x) }

   qfun <- function(x){ supp[sum(cumprob<x)+1] }

   return(new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rfun, d = dfun, p = pfun,
       q = qfun, support = supp))

# some examples
supp <- rpois(20, lambda=7) # some support vector
D1 <- DiscreteDistribution(supp = supp) # prob is missing
r(D1)(10) # 10 random numbers of Distribution D1
support(D1) # support
d(D1)(support(D1)) # pdf
p(D1)(5) # cdf
q(D1)(0.5) # quantile (here: median)
plot(D1) # plot of pdf, cdf and quantile
D2 <- lgamma(D1) # apply member of group generic "Math"
D3 <- D1 + Binom(size=10) # convolution with object of class "DiscreteDistribution"
D4 <- D1 + Norm() # convolution with object of class "AbscontDistribution"

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