I'd like to recommend to open the pdf() device (and to plot in) directly. There is no reason to use the windows() device in BATCH mode, if you want to produce PDF.

Lapointe, Pierre wrote:
First of all, I apologize for the triple post, but I did not see that the
word wrap on the r-help list site would render my code unusable. So here it
is again.  Hoping that this time it will work if you cut and paste it in
your Rgui.

I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in a batch
file (Execution halted).

Here's the code (it will work on your R, but you need internet access
through R as it will download a table from a US gov site).

#Code Start
"c:/deacot2005.zip", "internal", quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb",cacheOK = TRUE)
unzipped<-zip.file.extract("c:/annual.txt", zipname = "deacot2005.zip")
data <-read.table(unzipped, header=TRUE, sep=',')

delete windows() and insert:


z <- layout(matrix(c(1:8), 4,2, byrow = TRUE))
for (i in 1:8) {  #loop to fill layout
ordered<-tbonds[order(tbonds[,3]),]    #order by date
longb[,1]<-as.Date(longb[,1],format="%Y%m%d") #to transform to date format
par(mar=c(2.5, 3.5, 2, 4.5)) #need this par for mtext
end<-(longb)[nrow(ordered),]  #mtext text
end0<-(longb)[nrow(ordered)-1,]   #mtext text
now<- paste(' Last:',end[,2],"\n",'Prev:',end0[,2])    #mtext text
mtext(now,side=4, las=2,adj=0,padj=0.5,cex=0.5) #mtext text
dev.print(pdf, file="c:/CFTC.pdf",height=10,width=8,paper="letter")
#Code end

delete dev.print and insert dev.off()

[BTW: your code is almost unreadable, please try to format it before posting, and please read documentation on devices]

Uwe Ligges

As you can see, I need a special par(mar) to make room for the margin text

When I run this program through a batch file I get this message :

+ longb<-ordered[,c(3,9)]
+ longb[,1]<-as.Date(longb[,1],format="%Y%m%d") #to transform to date format
+ par(mar=c(2.5, 3.5, 2, 4.5)) #need this par for mtext
+ plot(longb,type="l",las=1,xlab="",ylab="",bty="l",cex.axis=0.9)
+ end<-(longb)[nrow(ordered),]  #mtext text
+ end0<-(longb)[nrow(ordered)-1,]   #mtext text
+ now<- paste(' Last:',end[,2],"\n",'Prev:',end0[,2])    #mtext text
+ mtext(now,side=4, las=2,adj=0,padj=0.5,cex=0.5) #mtext text
+ }
Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
Execution halted

I tried to remove the windows(height=11,width=8.5) as I don't need it in
batch mode, but it prevented the PDF creation as it  " can only print from
screen device".

dev.print(pdf, file="c:/CFTC.pdf",height=10,width=8,paper="letter")
Error in dev.print(pdf, file = "c:/CFTC.pdf", height = 10, width = 8, : can only print from screen device
Execution halted

Here's what I have in my windows batch file

PATH C:\Program Files\R\rw2010\bin
Rterm --internet2 --no-restore --no-save <problem.R> result.txt 2>&1

I'm on win2k,


_ platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status Patched major 2 minor 1.0 year 2005 month 05 day 09 language R

Be nice with me.  I've been a R user for only 2 weeks.


Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
National Bank Financial

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