--- Begin Message ---
> boxplot(data.frame(1:10, 2:11), at = 1:2,
+   pars=list(staplelty=0, whisklty=0), at=1:2)
Error in boxplot.default(data.frame(1:10, 2:11), at = 1:2, pars = list(staplelty = 0, :
       formal argument "at" matched by multiple actual arguments

boxplot(data.frame(a),pars=list(staplelty=0, whisklty=0), main = "Boxplots", at=c(1,1,4,4,6,6,8,8), names=c("Base Line","","Sit","","Stand","","Lie",""),ylab="DBP SBP")

This does not work. The output is a collection of verticle lines that are as long as the boxes should be.

boxplot(data.frame(a),staplelty=0, whisklty=0, main = "Boxplots", at=c(1,1,4,4,6,6,8,8), names=c("Base Line","","Sit","","Stand","","Lie",""),ylab="DBP SBP")

does though. So I thank you for your help. Didnt mean to get yellled at over what seemed like a decent question. The mailing list archives say you have to use the lattice package to achieve the effect I wanted.. Anyhow. Sorry to everyone else for the excessive trafffic. ~Erithid

Uwe Ligges wrote:

BJ wrote:

Hmm ok, that seems to work with that example, but when I add an "at=" option i get graphs that are only verticle lines. Sorry to be difficult.

He? So you need to pe much more precisely in this message as well!

boxplot(data.frame(1:10, 2:11), at = 1:2,
  pars=list(staplelty=0, whisklty=0), at=1:2)

works perfectly for me! People are not that happy to invest their time for helping you on bad specified problems...

PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Uwe Ligges


Uwe Ligges wrote:

BJ wrote:

I searched the archives, but couldnt find any way to do this with boxplot. Is there a way? Thanks again ~BJ

See ?boxplot and its argument par which points you to ?bxp:

Now, you can do stuff like
  boxplot(1:10, pars=list(staplelty=0, whisklty=0))

Uwe Ligges

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

--- End Message ---
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