What about using lmList from the lme4 package?


On 8/25/05 9:44 AM, "Marc Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, looking at the last example in ?by would be helpful:
> attach(warpbreaks)
> tmp <- by(warpbreaks, tension, function(x) lm(breaks ~ wool, data = x))
> # To get coefficients:
> sapply(tmp, coef)
> # To get residuals:
> sapply(tmp, resid)
> # To get the model matrix:
> sapply(tmp, model.matrix)
> To get the summary() output, I suspect that using:
>   lapply(tmp, summary)
> would yield more familiar output as compared to using:
>   sapply(tmp, summary)
> The output from the latter might require a bit more "navigation" through
> the resultant matrix, depending upon how the output is to be ultimately
> used.
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz
> On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 14:57 +0200, TEMPL Matthias wrote:
>> Look more carefully at
>> ?lm 
>> at the See Also section ...
>> X <- rnorm(30)
>> Y <- rnorm(30)
>> lm(Y~X)
>> summary(lm(Y~X))
>> Best,
>> Matthias
>>> Hi all 
>>> I used a function
>>>> qtrregr <- by(AB, AB$qtr, function(AB) lm(AB$X~AB$Y))
>>> objective is to run a regression on quartery subsets in the
>>> data set AB, having variables X and Y, grouped by variable qtr.
>>> Now i retrieved the output using qtrregr, however it only
>>> showed the coefficients (intercept and B) with out
>>> significant levels and residuals for each qtr. Can some on
>>> help me on how can retrieve the detailed regression output.
>>> rgds
>>> snvk
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