Would this be ok (on Windows, use grep on UNIX):

# line numbers of all lines conitaining R in the R README file
as.numeric(sub(":.*", "", system("findstr /n R README", intern = TRUE)))

On 11/3/05, Tuszynski, Jaroslaw W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a way to search a file for position of some expression,
> from within R. My current code:
>  sha1Pos = gregexpr("<sha1>", readChar(filename,
> file.info(filename)$size))[[1]]
> Works fine for small files, but text files I will be working with might get
> up to Gb range, so I was trying to accomplish the same without loading the
> whole file into R.
> I realize this is not what R is designed to do, but maybe there is some way
> I am missing.
> Jarek Tuszynski
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