Why does simply

           signature(X = "myClass",
                     MARGIN = "numeric",
                     FUN = "function"),
           function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) .apply.myClass(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...))

not do what you want?  It works for me in your example, e.g.

> apply(myObj, 2, sum, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

gives exactly the same answer as your complicated solution.

I do wonder if you have misunderstood what '...' does.

I also wonder why you chose to overload a basic R function as an S4 
generic like this.  If you think that thereby existing calls to apply() 
will go via your S4 methods then I fear you have overlooked the effects of 

A simpler example

setClass("myClass", representation(tt="numeric"))
setMethod("lapply", signature(X="myClass"), function(X, FUN, ...) FUN([EMAIL 
myObj <- new("myClass", tt=1:10)
> lapply(myObj, sum)
[1] 55
> sapply(myObj, sum)

since sapply is calling base::lapply, not the lapply S4 generic.

On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Christophe Pouzat wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm working on a package using S4 classes and methods and I ran into the
> following "problem" when I tried to create an "apply" method for objects
> of one of my new classes. I've found a way around the problem but I
> wonder if I did not paint myself into the corner. I'd like your opinion
> about that.
> So I have an object "myObj" of class "myClass". I define a new function
> ".apply.myClass" which is a "myClass" specific version of "apply". The
> trick is that I would like to have an additional formal argument in
> .apply.myClass compared to apply. More precisely we have:
> apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
> and I want:
> .apply.myClass(x, margin, fun, groups = NULL, ...)
> As long as I stay at the function level there is no problem. Life
> becomes harder when I want to define an "apply" method for myClass
> objects, method which should call .apply.myClass.
> The formal argument "groups" in the myClass specific apply method will
> have to be passed in the dots argument, together with the "FUN" specific
> arguments. Then if the "groups" argument is provided it will have to be
> extracted and the remaining dots argument(s), if any, will have to be
> passed as such to .apply.myClass. Here is the way I did it:
> ## Start by setting a generic apply method
> if (!isGeneric("apply"))
>  setGeneric("apply", function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
> standardGeneric("apply"))
> ## set apply method for myClass objects
> setMethod("apply",
>          signature(X = "myClass",
>                    MARGIN = "numeric",
>                    FUN = "function"),
>          function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) {
>            .call <- match.call(.apply.myClass)
>            if (is.null(.call$groups)) myGroups <- NULL
>            else myGroups <- .call$groups
>            argList <- list(obj = .call$obj,
>                            margin = .call$margin,
>                            fun = .call$fun,
>                            groups = myGroups
>                            )
>            if(!all(names(.call)[-1] %in% names(formals(.apply.myClass)))) {
>              ## Some dots arguments have been provided
>              otherNames <- (names(.call)[-1])[!(names(.call)[-1] %in%
> names(formals(.apply.myClass)))]
>              remainingDots <- lapply(otherNames, function(i) .call[[i]])
>              names(remainingDots) <- otherNames
>              argList <- c(argList,remainingDots)
>            }
>            do.call(.apply.myClass, args = argList)
>          }
>          )
> Does anyone have a quicker solution?
> Thanks in advance,
> Christophe.
> PS: If you want a full example with actual class and .apply.myClass
> definitions, here is one:
> ## define class myClass
> setClass("myClass", representation(Data = "data.frame", timeRange =
> "numeric"))
> ## create myObj an instantiation of myClass
> myObj <- new("myClass",
>             Data = data.frame(Time = sort(runif(10)),
>               observation = I(matrix(rnorm(20),nrow=10,ncol=2)),
>               label = factor(rep(1:2,5),levels = 1:2, labels = c("cat.
> 1", "cat. 2"))
>               ),
>             timeRange = c(0,1)
>             )
> ## create function .apply.myClass for myClass objects
> .apply.myClass <- function(obj, ## object of class myClass
>                           margin, ## a numeric which should be 1 or 2
>                           fun, ## a function
>                           groups = NULL, ## should fun be applied in a
> group
>                                                        ## specific manner?
>                           ... ## additional arguments passed to fun
>                           ) {
>  ## attach the data frame contained in obj
>  attach([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  ## make sure to detach it at the end
>  on.exit(detach([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
>  ## get the variable names
>  variableNames <- names([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  ## check that one variable is named "observation"
>  if (!("observation" %in% variableNames))
>    stop(paste("The slot Data of",
>               deparse(substitute(obj)),
>               "does not contain an observation variable as it should."
>               )
>         )
>  if (margin == 1) {
>    ## in that case we don't care of the group
>    myResult <- apply(observation, 1, fun, ...)
>    return(myResult)
>  } else if (margin == 2) {
>    if (is.null(groups)) {
>      ## no groups defined
>      myResult <- apply(observation, 2, fun, ...)
>      return(myResult)
>    } else {
>      ## groups defined
>      groups <- eval(groups)
>      X <- levels(groups)
>      dim(X) <- c(1,length(X))
>      myResult <- apply(X,
>                        2,
>                        function(i) apply(observation[groups == i,],
>                                          2,
>                                          fun, ...)
>                        )
>      return(myResult)
>    }
>  } else {
>    stop("margin should be set to 1 or 2.")
>  }
> }
> -- 
> A Master Carpenter has many tools and is expert with most of them.If you
> only know how to use a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail.
> Stay away from that trap.
> Richard B Johnson.
> --
> Christophe Pouzat
> Laboratoire de Physiologie Cerebrale
> CNRS UMR 8118
> UFR biomedicale de l'Universite Paris V
> 45, rue des Saints Peres
> 75006 PARIS
> France
> tel: +33 (0)1 42 86 38 28
> fax: +33 (0)1 42 86 38 30
> web: www.biomedicale.univ-paris5.fr/physcerv/C_Pouzat.html
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