I am trying to write a lesson on maximum likelihood with Sweave. I get
a surprising result with the following code, lec4.Snw:


\title{Maximum likelihood}

\author{Göran Broström}



## Simulate Y:
n <- 25
Y <- sum(rpois(n, lambda = 1))
 ## Define minusloglik:
minusloglik <- function(theta) n * theta - Y  * log(theta)
curve(minusloglik, 0.2, 2, xlab = "theta")

cat("Y is now ", Y, "\n")
fit <- mle(minusloglik, start = list(theta = Y/n))


In R, I get:

> Sweave("lec4.Snw")
Writing to file lec4.tex
Processing code chunks ...
 1 : echo term verbatim eps pdf
Y is now  27
Y is now  24

You can now run LaTeX on 'lec4.tex'

and the latex document will have two different mle's,  one in the
figure, and another one from 'mle'.  One uses Y = 27 and the other Y =

I can save the situation by moving "Y <- ..." to a separaye "code chunk".
Does 'fig=TRUE' imply that the code chunk is run twice?

Göran Broström

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