Dear All,
I am working with skewed-t copula in my research recently, so I needed to
write an mle
procedure instead of using a standard fit one; I stick to the sn package. On
subsamples of the entire population that I deal with, everything is fine.
However, on the total sample (difference in cross-sectional
dimension: 30 vs 240) things go wrong - the objective function diverges to
infinity. I located the "rotten" line
to be

t1 <- dmst(vector, mu, P, alpha, nu)

where "vector" is the matrix row, on which I evaluate my likelihood and the
rest in parametrized in a standard
way, just as the help pages give it. In large dimensions, I get a zero value
of the density (which is probably due to numerical issues). I tried the
following dummy example

t1 <- rmst(1,mu,P,alpha, nu)
t2 <- dmst(t1, mu, alpha,nu)

and t2 remains to be zero. Can anyone help me on this one?

thanks in advance,

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend
to be"

                      Kurt Vonnegut Jr. "Mother Night"

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