Hi, Dimitris:

          The change you suggested sounds constructive.  Unfortunately, it did 
NOT solve the problem, at least for the modification of the example from 
the 'lme' help page I tested.

          However, one other similar change (and adding 'nlme:::' to the calls 
for functions hidden in an nlme namespace, identified partly with 
'traceback()') produced a version of 'lme.formula' that actually 
returned an answer for my test case:

 > fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
+            control=lmeControl(msMaxIter=1,
+              returnObject=TRUE))
Warning message:
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1 ; message = iteration limit 
reached without convergence (9) in: lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = 
Orthodont, control = lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1,

          Below please find (1) the 2 changes and (2) a complete version of 
'lme.formula' that worked for this example.

          Thanks for your contribution.
          Spencer Graves
### change 1 ##################
     if (!needUpdate(lmeSt)) {
         msg <- paste(controlvals$opt,
             "problem, convergence error code =",
             optRes$convergence, "; message =",
### change 2 #################
     if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
       msg <- paste("Maximum number of iterations",
          "(lmeControl(maxIter)) reached without convergence.")
       if (controlvals$returnObject) {
       } else {
### lme.formula revised ###########
lme.formula <-
           data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
           random = pdSymm( eval( as.call( fixed[ -2 ] ) ) ),
           correlation = NULL,
           weights = NULL,
           method = c("REML", "ML"),
           na.action = na.fail,
           control = list(),
            contrasts = NULL,
            keep.data = TRUE)
   Call <- match.call()
   miss.data <- missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)

   ## control parameters
   controlvals <- lmeControl()
   if (!missing(control)) {
     if(!is.null(control$nlmStepMax) && control$nlmStepMax < 0) {
       warning("Negative control$nlmStepMax - using default value")
       control$nlmStepMax <- NULL
     controlvals[names(control)] <- control

   ## checking arguments
   if (!inherits(fixed, "formula") || length(fixed) != 3) {
     stop("\nFixed-effects model must be a formula of the form \"resp ~ 
   method <- match.arg(method)
   REML <- method == "REML"
   reSt <- reStruct(random, REML = REML, data = NULL)
   groups <- getGroupsFormula(reSt)
   if (is.null(groups)) {
     if (inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
       groups <- getGroupsFormula(data)
       namGrp <- rev(names(getGroupsFormula(data, asList = TRUE)))
       Q <- length(namGrp)
       if (length(reSt) != Q) { # may need to repeat reSt
        if (length(reSt) != 1) {
          stop("Incompatible lengths for \"random\" and grouping factors")
         randL <- vector("list", Q)
         names(randL) <- rev(namGrp)
         for(i in 1:Q) randL[[i]] <- random
         randL <- as.list(randL)
        reSt <- reStruct(randL, REML = REML, data = NULL)
       } else {
        names(reSt) <- namGrp
     } else {
       ## will assume single group
       groups <- ~ 1
       names(reSt) <- "1"
   ## check if corStruct is present and assign groups to its formula,
   ## if necessary
   if (!is.null(correlation)) {
     if(!is.null(corGrpsForm <- getGroupsFormula(correlation, asList = 
TRUE))) {
       corGrpsForm <- unlist(lapply(corGrpsForm,
                                    function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))
       corQ <- length(corGrpsForm)
       lmeGrpsForm <- unlist(lapply(splitFormula(groups),
                         function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))
       lmeQ <- length(lmeGrpsForm)
       if (corQ <= lmeQ) {
         if (any(corGrpsForm != lmeGrpsForm[1:corQ])) {
           stop(paste("Incompatible formulas for groups in \"random\"",
                      "and \"correlation\""))
         if (corQ < lmeQ) {
           warning(paste("Cannot use smaller level of grouping for",
                         "\"correlation\" than for \"random\". Replacing",
                         "the former with the latter."))
           attr(correlation, "formula") <-
             eval(parse(text = paste("~",
                          "|", deparse(groups[[2]]))))
       } else {
         if (any(lmeGrpsForm != corGrpsForm[1:lmeQ])) {
           stop(paste("Incompatible formulas for groups in \"random\"",
                      "and \"correlation\""))
     } else {
       ## using the same grouping as in random
       attr(correlation, "formula") <-
         eval(parse(text = paste("~",
                     "|", deparse(groups[[2]]))))
       corQ <- lmeQ <- 1
     } else {
     corQ <- lmeQ <- 1
   ## create an lme structure containing the random effects model and 
   lmeSt <- lmeStruct(reStruct = reSt, corStruct = correlation,
                     varStruct = varFunc(weights))

   ## extract a data frame with enough information to evaluate
   ## fixed, groups, reStruct, corStruct, and varStruct
   mfArgs <- list(formula = asOneFormula(formula(lmeSt), fixed, groups),
                 data = data, na.action = na.action)
   if (!missing(subset)) {
     mfArgs[["subset"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(Call[["subset"]])[[2]]
   mfArgs$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
   dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)
   origOrder <- row.names(dataMix)      # preserve the original order
   for(i in names(contrasts))            # handle contrasts statement
       contrasts(dataMix[[i]]) = contrasts[[i]]
   ## sort the model.frame by groups and get the matrices and parameters
   ## used in the estimation procedures
   grps <- getGroups(dataMix, groups)
   ## ordering data by groups
   if (inherits(grps, "factor")) {      # single level
     ord <- order(grps) #"order" treats a single named argument peculiarly
     grps <- data.frame(grps)
     row.names(grps) <- origOrder
     names(grps) <- as.character(deparse((groups[[2]])))
   } else {
     ord <- do.call("order", grps)
     ## making group levels unique
     for(i in 2:ncol(grps)) {
       grps[, i] <-
         as.factor(paste(as.character(grps[, i-1]), as.character(grps[,i]),
                         sep = "/"))
   if (corQ > lmeQ) {
     ## may have to reorder by the correlation groups
     ord <- do.call("order", getGroups(dataMix,
   grps <- grps[ord, , drop = FALSE]
   dataMix <- dataMix[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
   revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(dataMix)) # putting in orig. order

   ## obtaining basic model matrices
   N <- nrow(grps)
   Z <- model.matrix(reSt, dataMix)
   ncols <- attr(Z, "ncols")
   Names(lmeSt$reStruct) <- attr(Z, "nams")
   ## keeping the contrasts for later use in predict
   contr <- attr(Z, "contr")
   X <- model.frame(fixed, dataMix)
   Terms <- attr(X, "terms")
   auxContr <- lapply(X, function(el)
                     if (inherits(el, "factor") &&
                          length(levels(el)) > 1) contrasts(el))
   contr <- c(contr, auxContr[is.na(match(names(auxContr), names(contr)))])
   contr <- contr[!unlist(lapply(contr, is.null))]
   X <- model.matrix(fixed, data=X)
   y <- eval(fixed[[2]], dataMix)
   ncols <- c(ncols, dim(X)[2], 1)
   Q <- ncol(grps)
   ## creating the condensed linear model
   attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <-
     list(Xy = array(c(Z, X, y), c(N, sum(ncols)),
             list(row.names(dataMix), c(colnames(Z), colnames(X),
         dims = nlme:::MEdims(grps, ncols), logLik = 0)
   ## checking if enough observations per group to estimate ranef
   tmpDims <- attr(lmeSt, "conLin")$dims
   if (max(tmpDims$ZXlen[[1]]) < tmpDims$qvec[1]) {
     warning(paste("Fewer observations than random effects in all level",
   ## degrees of freedom for testing fixed effects
   fixDF <- nlme:::getFixDF(X, grps, attr(lmeSt, "conLin")$dims$ngrps,
                     terms = Terms)
   ## initialization
   lmeSt <- Initialize(lmeSt, dataMix, grps, control = controlvals)
   parMap <- attr(lmeSt, "pmap")
   ## Checking possibility of single decomposition
   if (length(lmeSt) == 1)  {   # reStruct only, can do one decomposition
     ## need to save conLin for calculating fitted values and residuals
     oldConLin <- attr(lmeSt, "conLin")
     decomp <- TRUE
     attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <- nlme:::MEdecomp(attr(lmeSt, "conLin"))
   } else decomp <- FALSE
   ## getting the linear mixed effects fit object,
   ## possibly iterating for variance functions
   numIter <- 0
   repeat {
     oldPars <- coef(lmeSt)
     optRes <- if (controlvals$opt == "nlminb") {
                function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars),
                control = list(iter.max = controlvals$msMaxIter,
                trace = controlvals$msVerbose))
     } else {
               function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars),
               control = list(trace = controlvals$msVerbose,
               maxit = controlvals$msMaxIter,
               reltol = if(numIter == 0) controlvals$msTol
               else 100*.Machine$double.eps),
               method = controlvals$optimMethod)
     numIter0 <- NULL
     coef(lmeSt) <- optRes$par
     attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit") <- nlme:::MEestimate(lmeSt, grps)
     ## checking if any updating is needed
     if (!needUpdate(lmeSt)) {
         msg <- paste(controlvals$opt,
             "problem, convergence error code =",
             optRes$convergence, "; message =",
     ## updating the fit information
     numIter <- numIter + 1
     lmeSt <- update(lmeSt, dataMix)
     ## calculating the convergence criterion
     aConv <- coef(lmeSt)
     conv <- abs((oldPars - aConv)/ifelse(aConv == 0, 1, aConv))
     aConv <- NULL
     for(i in names(lmeSt)) {
       if (any(parMap[,i])) {
        aConv <- c(aConv, max(conv[parMap[,i]]))
        names(aConv)[length(aConv)] <- i
     if (max(aConv) <= controlvals$tolerance) {
     if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
       msg <- paste("Maximum number of iterations",
          "(lmeControl(maxIter)) reached without convergence.")
       if (controlvals$returnObject) {
       } else {

   ## wrapping up
   lmeFit <- attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit")
   names(lmeFit$beta) <- namBeta <- colnames(X)
   attr(fixDF, "varFixFact") <- varFix <- lmeFit$sigma * lmeFit$varFix
   varFix <- crossprod(varFix)
   dimnames(varFix) <- list(namBeta, namBeta)
   ## fitted.values and residuals (in original order)
   Fitted <- fitted(lmeSt, level = 0:Q,
                   conLin = if (decomp) {
                   } else {
                     attr(lmeSt, "conLin")
                   })[revOrder, , drop = FALSE]
   Resid <- y[revOrder] - Fitted
   attr(Resid, "std") <- lmeFit$sigma/(varWeights(lmeSt)[revOrder])
   ## putting groups back in original order
   grps <- grps[revOrder, , drop = FALSE]
   ## making random effects estimates consistently ordered
#  for(i in names(lmeSt$reStruct)) {
#    lmeFit$b[[i]] <- lmeFit$b[[i]][unique(as.character(grps[, i])),, 
drop = F]
#    NULL
#  }
   ## inverting back reStruct
   lmeSt$reStruct <- solve(lmeSt$reStruct)
   ## saving part of dims
   dims <- attr(lmeSt, "conLin")$dims[c("N", "Q", "qvec", "ngrps", "ncol")]
   ## getting the approximate var-cov of the parameters
   if (controlvals$apVar) {
     apVar <- nlme:::lmeApVar(lmeSt, lmeFit$sigma,
                      .relStep = controlvals[[".relStep"]],
                       minAbsPar = controlvals[["minAbsParApVar"]],
                      natural = controlvals[["natural"]])
   } else {
     apVar <- "Approximate variance-covariance matrix not available"
   ## getting rid of condensed linear model and fit
   attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <- NULL
   attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit") <- NULL
   ## creating the  lme object
   estOut <- list(modelStruct = lmeSt,
                 dims = dims,
                 contrasts = contr,
                 coefficients = list(
                     fixed = lmeFit$beta,
                     random = lmeFit$b),
                 varFix = varFix,
                 sigma = lmeFit$sigma,
                 apVar = apVar,
                 logLik = lmeFit$logLik,
                 numIter = if (needUpdate(lmeSt)) numIter
                   else numIter0,
                 groups = grps,
                 call = Call,
                  terms = Terms,
                 method = method,
                 fitted = Fitted,
                 residuals = Resid,
                  fixDF = fixDF)
   if (keep.data && !miss.data) estOut$data <- data
   if (inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
     ## saving labels and units for plots
     attr(estOut, "units") <- attr(data, "units")
     attr(estOut, "labels") <- attr(data, "labels")
   class(estOut) <- "lme"

Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:
> I think the following part of lme.formula
> if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
>     stop("Maximum number of iterations reached without convergence.")
> }
> should be something like
> if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
>     if (controlvals$returnObject) {
>         warning("Maximum number of iterations reached without 
> convergence.")
>         break
>     } else {
>         stop("Maximum number of iterations reached without 
> convergence.")
>     }
> }
> Best,
> Dimitris
> ----
> Dimitris Rizopoulos
> Ph.D. Student
> Biostatistical Centre
> School of Public Health
> Catholic University of Leuven
> Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
> Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
> Fax: +32/(0)16/337015
> Web: http://med.kuleuven.be/biostat/
>      http://www.student.kuleuven.be/~m0390867/dimitris.htm
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Spencer Graves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ravi Varadhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "'Pryseley Assam'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'R-Users'" 
> <R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch>; "Douglas Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 4:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [R] lme convergence
>>   Does anyone know how to obtain the 'returnObject' from an 'lme' 
>> run
>> that fails to converge?  An argument of this name is described on 
>> the
>> 'lmeControl' help page as, "a logical value indicating whether the
>> fitted object should be returned when the maximum number of 
>> iterations
>> is reached without convergence of the algorithm. Default is 
>> 'FALSE'."
>>   Unfortunately, I've so far been unable to get it to work, as
>> witnessed by the following modification of an example from the 
>> '?lme'
>> help page:
>>> library(nlme)
>>> fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
>> +            control=lmeControl(msMaxIter=1))
>> Error in lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control =
>> lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1)) :
>> iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
>>> fm1
>> Error: object "fm1" not found
>>> fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
>> +            control=lmeControl(msMaxIter=1,
>> +              returnObject=TRUE))
>> Error in lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control =
>> lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1,  :
>> iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
>>> fm1
>> Error: object "fm1" not found
>>   I might be able to fix the problem myself, working through the 
>> 'lme'
>> code line by line, e.g., using 'debug'.  However, I'm not ready to 
>> do
>> that just now.
>>   Best Wishes,
>>   Spencer Graves
>> Ravi Varadhan wrote:
>>> Use "try" to capture error messages without breaking the loop.
>>> ?try
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
>>> Assistant Professor,  The Center on Aging and Health
>>> Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
>>> Johns Hopkins University
>>> Ph: (410) 502-2619
>>> Fax: (410) 614-9625
>>> Webpage: 
>>> http://www.jhsph.edu/agingandhealth/People/Faculty/Varadhan.html
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:r-help-
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pryseley Assam
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:18 PM
>>>> To: R-Users
>>>> Subject: [R] lme convergence
>>>> Dear R-Users,
>>>>   Is it possible to get the covariance matrix from an lme model 
>>>> that did
>>>> not converge ?
>>>>   I am doing a simulation which entails fitting linear mixed 
>>>> models, using
>>>> a "for loop".
>>>>   Within each loop, i generate a new data set and analyze it using 
>>>> a mixed
>>>> model.  The loop stops When the "lme function" does not converge 
>>>> for a
>>>> simulated dataset. I want to inquire if there is a method to 
>>>> suppress the
>>>> error message from the lme function, or better still, a way of 
>>>> going about
>>>> this issue of the loop ending once the lme function does not 
>>>> converge.
>>>>   Thanks in advance,
>>>>   Pryseley
>>>> ---------------------------------
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