Dear R-experts,
  I have a table with following collumns: State, SamplePlot, Species and 
BodySize. I sampled bird species at 34 SamplePlots and 5 States (regions) 
monthly during two years. On each bird record I measured bodysize and 
identified the species. So I have many records of each species (about 150 
species) at each SamplePlot and each Region (State). 
  Now I would like bootstrap these data, selecting 50 records for each 
State/SamplePlot combinations and count how many species (richness) were 
sampled at bootstrap. I need to do this 1.000 times. 
  After that and need join the number of species [obtained at each bootstrap 
and for each State/SamplePlot combination] with a dataframe that have other 
attributes for SamplePlot (like Area, Perimeter etc).  Bellow follow a sample 
of these two tables (dataframes).
  Could someone help me on this task.
  Kind regards,
  Table 1 - Bird records
                    State  SamplePlot  Species  Bodysize    SaoPaulo  Site1  
Spp01  4.35    SaoPaulo  Site1  Spp04  0.80    SaoPaulo  Site1  Spp01  4.45    
SaoPaulo  Site1  Spp02  6.46    SaoPaulo  Site1  Spp02  3.98    SaoPaulo  Site1 
 Spp02  9.82    SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp02  9.71    SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp01  7.38    
SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp03  9.30    SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp01  4.32    SaoPaulo  Site2 
 Spp01  6.80    SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp02  5.80    SaoPaulo  Site2  Spp01  1.53    
RioJaneiro  Site1  Spp02  1.37    RioJaneiro  Site1  Spp02  4.43    RioJaneiro  
Site1  Spp01  3.31    RioJaneiro  Site1  Spp03  6.25    RioJaneiro  Site1  
Spp01  3.40    RioJaneiro  Site2  Spp01  9.12    RioJaneiro  Site2  Spp01  0.80 
   RioJaneiro  Site2  Spp01  6.37    RioJaneiro  Site2  Spp02  1.66    
RioJaneiro  Site2  Spp01  3.49    RioJaneiro  Site3  Spp02  8.98    RioJaneiro  
Site3  Spp02  5.96    RioJaneiro  Site3  Spp01  8.28    RioJaneiro  Site3  
Spp03  1.51    Bahia  Site1  Spp01  6.76    Bahia 
 Site1  Spp01  9.99    Bahia  Site2  Spp01  0.72    Bahia  Site2  Spp02  6.63   
 Bahia  Site2  Spp02  3.41    Bahia  Site2  Spp01  8.85    Bahia  Site2  Spp01  
8.13    Bahia  Site3  Spp02  4.41    Bahia  Site3  Spp01  9.49    Bahia  Site3  
Spp02  6.77    Bahia  Site3  Spp02  0.64    Bahia  Site4  Spp01  6.97    Bahia  
Site4  Spp03  8.34    Bahia  Site4  Spp01  5.46    Bahia  Site4  Spp01  5.52    
Bahia  Site5  Spp01  5.37    Bahia  Site5  Spp02  8.66
  Table 2 - Attributes of SamplePlot
                  State  SamplePlot  Area    Bahia  Site1  10    Bahia  Site2  
25    Bahia  Site3  70    Bahia  Site4  15    Bahia  Site5  5    RioJaneiro  
Site1  32    RioJaneiro  Site2  45    RioJaneiro  Site3  10    SaoPaulo  Site1  
23    SaoPaulo  Site2  45


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