Please, help me.

I had a trouble in downloading from CRAN the package "untb".

Everything seems to work. I type 


after selecting the CRAN mirror and I get a message of successful downloading. 
Indeed I have the package in the library and if I check with command 


> library()

I see untb among the various packages.

But, when I type the command:




I cannot open the package getting the message below (which I translate under 


<Carico il pacchetto richiesto: "partitions" (I'm loading requested 
Errore: pacchetto 'partitions' non caricato (Error: package "partitions" not 
Warning messages:
1: the package 'untb' has been created with R version 2.3.1 
2: non c'è alcun pacchetto chiamato 'partitions' in: library(pkg, 
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) (there's not a 
package named "partitions" in......)

I have the version 2.3.0

What's wrong? By the way, I already successfully downloaded with the same 
procedure other packages such as ade4 or vegan. Vegan has been written within 
version 2.3.1 but I can open and use it.


thank you.

Tancredi Caruso

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