Andrew John Duba wrote:
> I am trying to compile R-2.4.1 in 64-bit on Solaris 10 running on AMD
> hardware.  I am trying to do this with Sun Studio 11.
Oi!! We heard you the first three times. And you are still on the wrong 
list (this belongs on r-devel.)

Spamming the list will only annoy the people you are trying to get to 
help you....

Unfortunately, Solaris users are becoming scarce, and those with 
commercial compilers even more.
Some of the missing symbols, e.g. Rf_qt, are supposed to sit inside 
libnmath.a, so checking whether that looks OK (use the 'nm' command, I 
think) could be helpful.

> My looks like this:
> #! /bin/sh
> AR="/usr/ccs/bin/ar"
> TEX="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/tex"
> LATEX="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/latex"
> PDFTEX="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/pdftex"
> PDFLATEX="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/pdflatex"
> DVIPS="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/dvips"
> MAKEINFO="/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10/makeinfo"
> UCOMPILER="-xarch=amd64"
> UFLAGS="-xO5 -xlibmil"
> CC="/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc $UCOMPILER"
> CFLAGS="$UFLAGS -xc99=%all -xlibmieee"
> F77="/opt/SUNWspro/bin/f95 $UCOMPILER"
> FFLAGS="$UFLAGS -fsimple=0"
> CXX="/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC $UCOMPILER"
> CXXFLAGS="$UFLAGS -xlibmieee"
> FC="/opt/SUNWspro/bin/f95 $UCOMPILER"
> FCFLAGS="$UFLAGS -fsimple=0 -xlang=c99"
> LD="/usr/ccs/bin/amd64/ld"
> LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib/64 -L/usr/sfw/lib/64 -L/lib/amd64
> -R/usr/local/lib/64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/64 -R/lib/amd64"
> R_BROWSER="/usr/sfw/bin/mozilla"
> MAIN_LD="/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=amd64"
> LIBnn=amd64
> The ./configure runs without incident but make breaks down and the linker
> complains about undefined symbols.  The symbols that the linker complains
> about are in Rmath.h.  I have tried adding the folder with Rmath.h to the
> linkers path but that has not helped.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> If someone needs it below is an excript from the make session
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/f95 -xarch=amd64   -xO5 -xlibmil -fsimple=0 -c xxxpr.f
> -o xxxpr.o
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=amd64 -I../../src/extra/zlib
> -I../../src/extra/bzip2 -I../../src/extra/pcre  -I. -I../../src/include
> -I../../src/include -I/usr/local/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
> -D__NO_MATH_INLINES  -xO5 -xlibmil -xc99=%all -xlibmieee -c mkdtemp.c -o
> mkdtemp.o
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=amd64  -L/usr/local/lib/64 -L/usr/sfw/lib/64
> -L/lib/amd64 -R/usr/local/lib/64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/64 -R/lib/amd64 -o R.bin
> Rmain.o CConverters.o CommandLineArgs.o Rdynload.o Renviron.o RNG.o
> apply.o arithmetic.o apse.o array.o attrib.o base.o bind.o builtin.o
> character.o coerce.o colors.o complex.o connections.o context.o cov.o
> cum.o dcf.o datetime.o debug.o deparse.o deriv.o dotcode.o dounzip.o
> dstruct.o duplicate.o engine.o envir.o errors.o eval.o format.o fourier.o
> gevents.o gram.o gram-ex.o graphics.o identical.o internet.o iosupport.o
> lapack.o list.o localecharset.o logic.o main.o mapply.o match.o memory.o
> model.o names.o objects.o optim.o optimize.o options.o par.o paste.o
> pcre.o platform.o plot.o plot3d.o plotmath.o print.o printarray.o
> printvector.o printutils.o qsort.o random.o regex.o registration.o relop.o
> rlocale.o saveload.o scan.o seq.o serialize.o size.o sort.o source.o
> split.o sprintf.o startup.o subassign.o subscript.o subset.o summary.o
> sysutils.o unique.o util.o version.o vfonts.o xxxpr.o  mkdtemp.o
> ../unix/libunix.a ../appl/libappl.a ../nmath/libnmath.a -L../../lib
> -lRblas -R/usr/local/lib/64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/64 -R/lib/amd64
> -R/opt/SUNWspro/lib/amd64 -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib/amd64
> -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64 -L/usr/lib/amd64 -lfui -lfai -lfsu
> -lsunmath -lmtsk -lm  ../extra/zlib/libz.a ../extra/bzip2/libbz2.a
> ../extra/pcre/libpcre.a  ../extra/intl/libintl.a -lreadline -ltermcap
> -lnsl -lsocket -ldl -lm
> Undefined                       first referenced
>  symbol                             in file
> cg_                                 registration.o
> ch_                                 registration.o
> rg_                                 registration.o
> rs_                                 registration.o
> bincount                            registration.o
> inflate                             connections.o
> Rf_df                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_dt                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_pf                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_pt                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_qf                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_qt                               arithmetic.o
> Rf_rf                               random.o
> Rf_rt                               random.o
> chol_                               registration.o
> gzeof                               connections.o
> do_syssleep                         names.o
> R_EditFiles                         platform.o
> R_getProcTime                       memory.o
> R_ExpandFileName                    Renviron.o
> R_OpenInitFile                      main.o
> R_getClockIncrement                 eval.o
> R_ReadConsole                       connections.o
> Rf_initialize_R                     Rmain.o
> call_dqags                          registration.o
> call_dqagi                          registration.o
> deflateEnd                          connections.o
> ptr_R_EditFile                      ../unix/libunix.a(edit.o)
> inflateEnd                          connections.o
> Rf_lchoose                          arithmetic.o
> R_ChooseFile                        platform.o
> lminfl_                             registration.o
> deflateInit2_                       connections.o
> N01_kind                            RNG.o
> do_machine                          names.o
> libintl_dcigettext                  ../extra/intl/libintl.a(dcgettext.o)
> R_max_col                           registration.o
> R_ClearerrConsole                   connections.o
> pcre_maketables                     character.o
> spline_eval                         registration.o
> spline_coef                         registration.o
> R_Busy                              main.o
> R_approx                            registration.o
> Rf_dnf                              arithmetic.o
> Rf_dnt                              arithmetic.o
> Rf_pnf                              arithmetic.o
> Rf_pnt                              arithmetic.o
> Rf_qnf                              arithmetic.o
> Rf_qnt                              arithmetic.o
> BZ2_bzRead                          connections.o
> Rf_choose                           arithmetic.o
> Brent_fmin                          optimize.o
> Rf_dbinom                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dchisq                           arithmetic.o
> R_cumsum                            registration.o
> Rf_dgamma                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dhyper                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dlogis                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dlnorm                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dnbeta                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_dnorm4                           arithmetic.o
> fft_factor                          fourier.o
> Rf_fround                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_ftrunc                           arithmetic.o
> libintl_gettextparse                ../extra/intl/libintl.a(plural-exp.o)
> Rf_pbinom                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_pchisq                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_pgamma                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_phyper                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_plogis                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_plnorm                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_pnbeta                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_pnorm5                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qbinom                           arithmetic.o
> R_pretty                            registration.o
> R_cpolyroot                         complex.o
> Rf_qchisq                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_ptukey                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qgamma                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qhyper                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qlogis                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qlnorm                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qnbeta                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_qnorm5                           arithmetic.o
> bakslv                              registration.o
> Rf_rbinom                           random.o
> Rf_rchisq                           random.o
> Rf_qtukey                           arithmetic.o
> Rf_rgamma                           random.o
> Rf_rhyper                           random.o
> Rf_rlogis                           random.o
> Rf_rlnorm                           random.o
> R_rowsum                            registration.o
> str_signif                          registration.o
> Rf_pcauchy                          arithmetic.o
> dchdc_                              registration.o
> do_system                           names.o
> dpbfa_                              registration.o
> dpbsl_                              registration.o
> dpoco_                              registration.o
> dpodi_                              registration.o
> dpofa_                              registration.o
> dposl_                              registration.o
> dqrdc_                              registration.o
> dqrls_                              registration.o
> dqrsl_                              registration.o
> dsvdc_                              registration.o
> dtrco_                              registration.o
> dtrsl_                              registration.o
> wilcox_free                         registration.o
> fdhess                              optimize.o
> R_ShowFiles                         platform.o
> gzgetc                              connections.o
> gzopen                              connections.o
> gzread                              connections.o
> gzseek                              connections.o
> gztell                              connections.o
> BZ2_bzReadOpen                      connections.o
> R_zeroin                            optimize.o
> ptr_R_savehistory                   ../unix/libunix.a(stubs.o)
> loglin                              registration.o
> lowess                              registration.o
> machar                              platform.o
> ptr_R_loadhistory                   ../unix/libunix.a(stubs.o)
> Rf_pnchisq                          arithmetic.o
> Rf_pnbinom                          arithmetic.o
> optif9                              optimize.o
> rcont2                              random.o
> R_pretty0                           engine.o
> setulb                              optim.o
> Rf_qcauchy                          arithmetic.o
> UsingReadline                       platform.o
> Rf_pwilcox                          arithmetic.o
> find_interv_vec                     registration.o
> Rf_qnchisq                          arithmetic.o
> Rf_qnbinom                          arithmetic.o
> Rf_rcauchy                          random.o
> Rf_trigamma                         arithmetic.o
> massdist                            registration.o
> pcre_info                           pcre.o
> pcre_exec                           character.o
> Rf_beta                             arithmetic.o
> Rf_dexp                             arithmetic.o
> Rf_pexp                             arithmetic.o
> Rf_qexp                             arithmetic.o
> Rf_rexp                             random.o
> Rf_sign                             arithmetic.o
> libintl_nl_domain_bindings          ../extra/intl/libintl.a(bindtextdom.o)
> libintl_nl_current_default_domain   ../extra/intl/libintl.a(textdomain.o)
> Rf_qwilcox                          arithmetic.o
> libintl_nl_default_default_domain   ../extra/intl/libintl.a(textdomain.o)
> BZ2_bzWriteOpen                     connections.o
> bincode                             registration.o
> R_CleanTempDir                      main.o
> do_proctime                         names.o
> norm_rand                           optim.o
> Rf_rnchisq                          random.o
> Rf_rnbinom                          random.o
> R_running_as_main_program           Rmain.o
> Rf_psigamma                         arithmetic.o
> ch2inv_                             registration.o
> BZ2_bzWrite                         connections.o
> inflateInit2_                       connections.o
> Rf_rwilcox                          random.o
> R_CleanUp                           errors.o
> _nl_find_msg                        ../extra/intl/libintl.a(loadmsgcat.o)
> Rf_dsignrank                        arithmetic.o
> Rf_psignrank                        arithmetic.o
> Rf_rsignrank                        random.o
> Rf_qsignrank                        arithmetic.o
> Rf_dcauchy                          arithmetic.o
> deflate                             connections.o
> R_Suicide                           Renviron.o
> stemleaf                            registration.o
> Rf_digamma                          arithmetic.o
> do_sysinfo                          names.o
> Rf_dnchisq                          arithmetic.o
> Rf_dnbinom                          arithmetic.o
> pcre_study                          character.o
> R_ShowMessage                       CommandLineArgs.o
> dqrdc2_                             registration.o
> ptr_R_addhistory                    ../unix/libunix.a(stubs.o)
> Rf_InitFunctionHashing              Rdynload.o
> R_FlushConsole                      errors.o
> Rf_gamma_cody                       arithmetic.o
> Rf_dwilcox                          arithmetic.o
> deflateInit_                        ../extra/zlib/libz.a(compress.o)
> rmultinom                           random.o
> Rf_dbeta                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_dgeom                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_dpois                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_dunif                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_fmin2                            engine.o
> Rf_fmax2                            engine.o
> Rf_fprec                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_fsign                            complex.o
> Rf_imin2                            scan.o
> Rf_imax2                            bind.o
> Rf_lbeta                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_pbeta                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_pgeom                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_ppois                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_qbeta                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_punif                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_qgeom                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_qpois                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_rbeta                            random.o
> Rf_qunif                            arithmetic.o
> Rf_rgeom                            random.o
> Rf_rnorm                            random.o
> Rf_rpois                            random.o
> Rf_runif                            random.o
> Rf_bessel_i                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_bessel_j                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_bessel_k                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_bessel_y                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_lgammafn                         arithmetic.o
> BM_norm_keep                        RNG.o
> Rf_gammafn                          arithmetic.o
> inflateInit_                        ../extra/zlib/libz.a(uncompr.o)
> fft_work                            fourier.o
> Rf_pweibull                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_qweibull                         arithmetic.o
> Rf_rweibull                         random.o
> Rf_dweibull                         arithmetic.o
> libintl_nl_default_dirname          ../extra/intl/libintl.a(bindtextdom.o)
> R_WriteConsole                      printutils.o
> R_ResetConsole                      errors.o
> BZ2_bzWriteClose                    connections.o
> gzclose                             connections.o
> signrank_free                       registration.o
> gzwrite                             connections.o
> pcre_compile                        character.o
> BZ2_bzReadClose                     connections.o
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to R.bin
> make[3]: *** [R.bin] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/aduba/source/R-2.4.1/src/main'
> make[2]: *** [R] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/aduba/source/R-2.4.1/src/main'
> make[1]: *** [R] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aduba/source/R-2.4.1/src'
> make: *** [R] Error 1
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