I forgot to add that I figured how to do a single regression line using:

panel.fitline<-function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor, ...)
 points(x, y, ...)
 reg <- coef(lm(y ~ x))

and adding: panel=panel.fitline to pairs. But I am not sure how to add
two lines differentiated by cars$tr.

Thank you for your help!

On 2/18/07, Benjamin Dickgiesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a plot using pair.
> Currently I'm doing the following
> pairs(~mpg + hp + wt , data=cars, labels = c("Miles per
> Gallon","Horsepower","Weight"),pch = c(24,25)[unclass(cars$tr + 1)],
> bg = c("red", "green3")[unclass(cars$tr + 1)],panel=panel.smooth)
> for the attached dataset. However,instead of using panel.smooth I
> would rather have two fitted regression lines for each car
> transmission type (cars$tr).
> Is this possible?
> Thank you
> Ben

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