
I am trying to build a package from source for the first time. I'm
using Windows XP. After R CMD INSTALL or R CMD check I get an error
message that I don't understand. I've tried to follow the instrucions
provided in the R Installation and Administration .pdf and the text
file that comes with Rtools, but most of this is new to me and clearly
I'm missing something. Here's what I've done:

-Downloaded perl and Rtools and put them in my c directory
-Used package.skeleton() to set up the package structure and put the
package-to-be "removal" in C:\toBuild
-I edited my path to :
-I changed the following in the MkRules file:
2)HELPTYPES = -txt
-Next, I opened up a command prompt and went to c:/toBuild
-Then I ran: R CMD build removal. No problems.
-Then I ran: R CMD INSTALL removal_1.0.tar.gz
and got this:
installing to 'c:/R-2.5.0/library'

latex: not found
latex: not found
latex: not found

---------- Making package removal ------------
latex: not found
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
latex: not found
latex: not found
latex: not found
  installing R files
latex: not found
  installing data files
latex: not found
  installing man source files
  installing indices
latex: not found
latex: not found
  not zipping data
  installing help
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'removal'
     Formats: text chm
  RemProbs                          text                           chm
  add.error                         text                           chm
  error.plot                        text                           chm
  firstDetect                       text                           chm
  funs                              text                           chm
  path                              text                           chm
  pll2                              text                           chm
  remll2                            text                           chm
  removal-package                   text                           chm
  removal2                          text                           chm
  var.d                             text                           chm
hhc: not found
cp: cannot stat `C:/toBuild/R.INSTALL.3064/removal/chm/removal.chm':
No such fil
e or directory
make[1]: *** [chm-removal] Error 1
make: *** [pkg-removal] Error 2
*** Installation of removal failed ***

Removing 'c:/R-2.5.0/library/removal'

I don't know what hhc is. I'm guessing its trying to build the
compiled help files even though I tried to ask for only text files. It
also seems to want latex even though I read that it isn't necessary to
build simple packages. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing
wrong? Thanks.


Richard Chandler, PhD student
Department of Natural Resources Conservation
UMass Amherst

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