Hi Peter --

Here's my guess.

Ironically, adding things to broken code reduces the signal to noise
ratio. I ended up with

get.vars.for.cluster = function(
  genes=get.global("gene.ids" ),
    cluster <<- cluster
    rows <- cluster$rows
    cols <- cluster$cols

    r <- ratios[ rows, cols ]
    avg.rows <- apply( r, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE )
    r.all <- ratios[ genes, cols ]
    devs <- apply( r.all, 1, "-", avg.rows )

    apply( devs, 2, var, na.rm=TRUE )

at what might reproduce your problem (though can't be sure!). The
unusual bit is

    cluster <<- cluster

At first I thought this would be a no-op (assigning cluster to
itself), but apparently at this point in the code cluster does not
exist in the environment of the function (just in the call) so cluster
gets assigned outside the function.

So then my guess is that get.vars.for.cluster is part of a package,
and the package has a variable called cluster. get.vars.for.cluster
then assigns its first argument to the package variable cluster (which
is the first variable called cluster that <<-
encounters). rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) removes everything from the global
environment, but (fortunately!) not from the package environment.

You might end up storing more than 'just' cluster, depending on what
it is.

So I think the solution is to rethink the use of <<- (and also the
get.global(), which are either for convenience (in which case it would
probably be better to specify a default for the function argument) or
out of a sense that copying is bad (but this is probably mistaken,
since R's semantics are 'copy on change', so passing a 'big' object
into a function does not usually trigger a copy)).

You could also try 'detach'ing the package that get.vars.for.cluster
is defined in.

Hope that points in the right direction,


Peter Waltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    I'm  working  with  a  very  large matrix ( 22k rows x 2k cols) of RNA
>    expression  data with R v.2.5.0 on a RedHat Enterprise machine, x86_64
>    architecture.
>    The relevant code is below, but I call a function that takes a cluster
>    of  this data ( a list structure that contains a $rows elt which lists
>    the rows (genes ) in the cluster by ID, but not the actual data itself
>    ).
>    The function creates two copies of the matrix, one containing the rows
>    in  the  cluster,  and  one  with  the rest of the rows in the matrix.
>    After  doing  some  statistical  massaging,  the  function  returns  a
>    statistical  score  for  each  rows/genes  in  the matrix, producing a
>    vector of 22k elt's.
>    When  I  run 'top', I see that the memory stamp of R after loading the
>    matrix is ~750M.  However, after calling this function on 10 clusters,
>    this  jumps  to  >  3.7 gig (at least by 'top's measurement), and this
>    will not be reduced by any subsequent calls to gc().
>    Output from gc() is:
>      > gc()           used  (Mb) gc trigger   (Mb) max used  (Mb)
>      Ncells   377925  20.2    6819934  364.3   604878  32.4
>      Vcells 88857341 678.0  240204174 1832.7 90689707 692.0
>      >
>    output from top is:
>         PID  USER       PR   NI   VIRT   RES   SHR  S %CPU %MEM    TIME+
>      COMMAND
>       1199 waltman   17   0 3844m 3.7g 3216 S  0.0 23.6  29:58.74 R
>    Note, the relevant call that invoked my function is:
>      test   <-   sapply(   c(1:10),   function(x)  get.vars.for.cluster(
>      clusterStack[[x]], opt="rows" ) )
>    Finally,  for  fun,  I  rm()'d  all variables with the rm( list=ls() )
>    command, and then called gc().  The memory of this "empty" instance of
>    R is still 3.4 gig, i.e.
>    R.console:
>      > rm( list=ls() )
>      > ls()
>      character(0)
>      > gc()
>                 used  (Mb) gc trigger   (Mb) max used  (Mb)
>      Ncells   363023  19.4    5455947  291.4   604878  32.4
>      Vcells 44434871 339.1  192163339 1466.1 90689707 692.0
>      >
>    Subsequent top  output:
>    output from top is:
>         PID  USER       PR   NI   VIRT   RES   SHR  S %CPU %MEM    TIME+
>      COMMAND
>       1199 waltman   16   0 3507m 3.4g 3216 S  0.0 21.5  29:58.92 R
>    Thanks for any help or suggestions,
>    Peter Waltman
>    p.s.  code snippet follows.  Note, that I've added extra rm() and gc()
>    calls w/in the function to try to reduce the memory stamp to no avail.
>      get.vars.for.cluster   =   function(   cluster,   genes=get.global(
>      "gene.ids" ), opt=c("rows","cols"),
>                                ratios=get.global("ratios"),  var.norm=T,
>      r.sig=get.global( "r.sig" ),
>                              allow.anticor=get.global( "allow.anticor" )
>      ) {
>        cat( "phw dbg msg\n")
>        cluster <<- cluster
>        opt <- match.arg( opt )
>        rows <- cluster$rows
>        cols <- cluster$cols
>        if ( opt == "rows" ) {
>          cat( "phw dbg msg: if opt == rows\n" )
>          r <- ratios[ rows, cols ]
>          r.all <- ratios[ genes, cols ]
>          avg.rows <- apply( r, 2, mean, na.rm=T ) ##median )
>          rm( r )  # phw added 8/9/07
>          gc( reset=TRUE )     # phw added 8/9/07
>          devs <- apply( r.all, 1, "-", avg.rows )
>          if ( !allow.anticor ) rm( r.all, avg.rows )  # phw added 8/9/07
>          gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          cat( "phw dbg msg: finished calc'ing avg.rows & devs\n" )
>                ##   This   is  what  we'd  use  from  the  deHoon  paper
>      (bioinformatics/bth927)
>              ##sd.rows <- apply( r, 2, sd )
>              ##devs <- devs * devs
>              ##sd.rows <- sd.rows * sd.rows
>              ##sds <- apply( devs, 2, "/", sd.rows )
>              ##sds <- apply( sds, 2, sum )
>              ##return( log10( sds ) )
>              ## This is faster and nearly equivalent
>          vars <- apply( devs, 2, var, na.rm=T )
>          rm( devs )
>          gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          test <- log10( vars ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          rm( vars ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          vars <- log10( test ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          rm( test ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>      #    vars <- log10( vars )
>          cat( "phw dbg msg: finished calc'ing vars (\n" )
>              ## HOW TO ALLOW FOR ANTICOR??? Here's how:
>          if ( allow.anticor ) {
>            cat( "phw dbg msg: allow.anticor==T\n" )
>                       ##  Get  variance  against the inverse of the mean
>      profile
>            devs.2 <- apply( r.all, 1, "-", -avg.rows )
>            gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>            vars.2 <- apply( devs.2, 2, var, na.rm=T )
>            rm( devs.2 )
>            gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>            vars.2 <- log10( vars.2 )
>            gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>                       ##  For  each  gene  take  the  min of variance or
>      anti-cor variance
>            vars <- cbind( vars, vars.2 )
>            rm( vars.2 )
>            gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>            vars <- apply( vars, 1, min )
>            gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          }
>               ##  Normalize  the values by the variance over the rows in
>      the cluster
>          if ( var.norm ) {
>            cat( "phw dbg msg: var.norm == T \n")
>            vars <- vars - mean( vars[ rows ], na.rm=T )
>            tmp.sd <- sd( vars[ rows ], na.rm=T )
>             if  (  !  is.na(  tmp.sd ) && tmp.sd != 0 ) vars <- vars / (
>      tmp.sd + r.sig )
>          }
>          gc( reset=TRUE ) #  phw added 8/9/07
>          return( vars )
>        } else {
>          cat( "phw dbg msg: else\n" )
>          r.all <- ratios[ rows, ]
>          ## Mean-normalized variance
>           vars  <-  log10( apply( r.all, 2, var, na.rm=T ) / abs( apply(
>      r.all, 2, mean, na.rm=T ) ) )
>          names( vars ) <- colnames( ratios )
>           ##  Normalize  the values by the variance over the rows in the
>      cluster
>          if ( var.norm ) {
>            vars <- vars - mean( vars[ cluster$cols ], na.rm=T )
>            tmp.sd <- sd( vars[ cluster$cols ], na.rm=T )
>             if  (  !  is.na(  tmp.sd ) && tmp.sd != 0 ) vars <- vars / (
>      tmp.sd + r.sig )
>          }
>          return( vars )
>        }
>      },
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Bioconductor / Computational Biology

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