Good Mornig All,

How R you today? ;o)

I have lots of questions, but i l start with the simplest one,
to wich i am shy to say, i did not find the answer.

It is the following: 

When i make a summary plot like for example plot( summary(glm)),
i get one window, one main title, and 4 graph's in that window.

Now i do know how to get several graphs in one window,
buit i don't manage geting one main title , in the top middel of the 
I can give every plot a different main and subtitle, but i can't put no 
title in the "win.graph()" box.

this is what i do:

win.graph();   op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
boxplot(lg_value~labo, main="Test 1 at day 1",ylab="log(x) ", 
xlab="different lab's", data=dataset,ylim=c(-0.05,5))
boxplot(lg_value~labo, main="Test 2 at day 1",ylab="log(x)", 
xlab="different lab's", data=dataset,ylim=c(-0.05,5))

Then i get one graph window, two plots each with their onw main title.
What i'd like to have is, one main title saying " At day 1", and then two 
plots with the different tests.
How can i do this, pls?

Kind regards,
Tom W.

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