Have a look at tools::buildVignette() - it builds a vignette the same
way as R CMD build does it.  It's a good start for troubleshooting.


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Lenth, Russell V
<russell-le...@uiowa.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, Dirk. Well, I tried this (after suitable modification), and what it 
> does is create all the intermediate files, graphics files, an .Rout file, 
> etc. in the vignette directory. And even then, for some reason it didn't 
> build the pdfs correctly. So I had a mess to clean up.
> I've tried Markdown a few times, and technically, I guess it works. But I 
> always find myself abandoning it later because it gives me what it wants 
> instead of what I want. I suppose I could learn more of its refinements, but 
> even then it doesn't seem very promising. I'm not too old to learn new 
> things, but at my age, I think I am empowered to choose what I want to learn 
> -- and expertise on Markdown is just not a big priority.
> Russ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dirk Eddelbuettel [mailto:e...@debian.org]
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2015 2:31 PM
> To: Dirk Eddelbuettel <e...@debian.org>
> Cc: Lenth, Russell V <russell-le...@uiowa.edu>; r-package-devel@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Best practices for vignettes
> On 26 July 2015 at 14:22, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> |
> | On 26 July 2015 at 18:42, Lenth, Russell V wrote:
> | | What's the best way to manage vignettes?
> |
> | All the young ones will of course tell you to use Markdown :)
> |
> | I still use Sweave / LaTeX as well, along with a custom driver:
> | highlight, as we once figured out how to make it create pretty shaded
> | boxen with code (as seen in the various Rcpp vignettes).
> |
> | So for that I often keep a five-line script 'buildVignette.r' in the
> | vignette directory.  With DESCRIPTION set up right (for the added
> | vignette driver) this then works in the package when it works manually for 
> the tests.
> I was rambling here.  What I meant to say is
>  - buildVignette.r as shown below allows me to build the vignette on the spot
>    outside of package builds -- ie when I am in "vignette writing mode"
>  - if the vignette builds during the manual builds, which by their design
>    mock what the package build process does, then I am reasonably confident
>    that the R CMD ... process works too.
> Hope this clarifies.
> Dirk
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