I do not know devtools:
If it worked for you for the initial submission and the CRAN team did not complain, please resubmit in the same way - and keep in mind you want to check the package in advance using a very recent version of R.

Uwe Ligges

On 04.06.2016 18:49, Luck Buttered wrote:
I am updating the version of an R package I submitted last year on CRAN and
came across one question that I would be grateful to seek any input about:

I have never submitted an updated version of a package to CRAN. I am
considering following a similar process to what I did to submit my original
version of the package to CRAN. That is, I plan to use devtools::release()
and include a note in a file called cran-comments.md to indicate that this
is not an original version submission, but rather, an updated version
submission. I found this advice on Hadley Wickham's site (
http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/release.html), although it was recommended for
first-time submission, and I was not sure whether this advice could extend
to update submissions as well.

Thank you for any advice!...


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