On 03/08/2016 11:17 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 3 August 2016 at 16:21, Uwe Ligges wrote:
| On 03.08.2016 16:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| >
| > On 3 August 2016 at 16:00, Uwe Ligges wrote:
| > | On 03.08.2016 14:24, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > | > Then again, users of TravisCI know that just toggling
| > | >
| > |
| > | I was travelling, hence a delayed response:
| > |
| > | Why users of TravisCI? It is documented in the manual. Setting it to
| >
| > Because Travis breaks your check as it works in a cleanroom with only the
| > specified packages installed. As it (and that is the gist of my argument)
| > should ...
| No, because if I suggest a package, I want to check also the code that
| uses a suggested package. So I have to have the package installed.

But then you are treating Suggests as Depends and installing irregardless.

No, it is different from Depends.

Depends implies something will be attached to the search list. Suggests doesn't. It is more like Imports, but without importing anything.

CRAN chooses to test in an environment where all Suggested packages are available. They could do more testing (and I am pretty strongly in favour of that), e.g. *also* test in an environment where none of them are available. But lots of packages will fail those tests, hence my request to you (not a gambit, I'm not playing a game) to estimate how many, and work out how to fix those packages.

Doing more testing will make it harder to get a package accepted on CRAN, but hopefully will mean that if it makes it there, it will be of better quality.

The other thing I am trying to do is to work out ways to spread out the work that CRAN does to other people. I believe the current model will not last another year, and I'd rather that it didn't collapse completely. This is unlikely to be my only request for help from people on this list.

| > No, CRAN could just flip that toggle and run once.
| I do not get it: It won't make much of a difference because I have most
| packages installed. It is only a diffrence for suggested packages that

Which is a normal shortcut to make your life easier ... but not what other
systems do. Travis CI runs start from scratch with an empty base. So does
Debian for package build (and for subsequent tests such as the
reproducibility tests). In each case only listed packages get installed.

When we let R do its business Suggests is (currently) interpreted as
Depends. I continue to claim that is not what it is for.

As Thomas pointed out, Suggests: seems to be overloaded already to two
distinct use cases.

| are not available for my platform, and toggling it means checks always
| fail then.
| > What Duncan suggested was (as I understand it an empirically-driven
| > assessment of what it would take to get from here (set to FALSE, tolerate 
| > Policy) to there (set to TRUE, IMHO better Policy adherence).
| You do not understand the environment variable, I believe.

That is of course entirely possibly but it also seems that some of us in this
discussion are continuously talking past each other. I tried to make my case
but seemingly failed to explain it clearly enough.

That's the nature of the medium. You need to be prepared to say the same thing in different ways so that dense people like me understand them.

Duncan Murdoch

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