1. perhaps the gsl package or some other package already making use of gsl can be used? So please make use of available infrastructure.

2. For Windows, the directories with GSL are defined in env vars, see
You can copy ideas of Makevars.win files from other GSL using packages ...

Uwe Ligges

On 30.06.2017 13:57, Nicolas Hiot wrote:

I'm the developer of a package for R, it's work fine on my computer but when I publish it the installation failed due to the external library. My C code needs GSL (GNU Scientific Library), I made an auto configuration file and a Makevars but I don't know how to specify to CRAN to install the library (I tried "SystemRequirements" in DESCRIPTION and I put a comment but that continue to failed :/).

So, how link external library to CRAN submission?

Results: https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/170630_105826_COveR_0102/
Project: https://github.com/Neplex/COveR

Nicolas HIOT

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