Looks like a hiccup to me - this never happened to me. I suggest
sending cran@... an email about this.  /Henrik

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 4:02 AM, Jacob Long <jlon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I noticed my package, jtools (
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/jtools/index.html), didn’t
> increment its version number on CRAN after my most recent update. I
> initially didn’t give it much thought, assuming I must have forgotten to
> change it prior to my submission. Looking back through my records, though,
> I now see that I did increment the version number but something odd
> happened in the submission process.
> The version on CRAN (0.5.0) says it was updated on 8/8/2017. My email
> records show I submitted 0.6.0 on 8/29/17 and got the following
> confirmation after about 15 minutes:
> “Dear maintainer,
> thanks, package jtools_0.6.0.tar.gz is on its way to CRAN now.
> Best regards,
> CRAN teams' auto-check service”
> Now it does look like when I submitted it in the past, I would receive an
> email a day later from Uwe Ligges informing me the Windows binary had been
> built and was headed to CRAN. I never received that follow-up for the
> 8/29/17 submission nor any other kind of follow-up.
> Any idea what happened with that update? I’ve submitted a new update about
> 12 hours ago and received the same “on its way to CRAN now” message though
> it still hasn’t published to CRAN yet either. This is still in the normal
> window of time that CRAN can take to push an update to the public-facing
> servers, but given what happened with my previous update I wonder if I’m
> making some kind of rookie mistake (I’ve published 4 other updates without
> issue previously).
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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