On 10/07/2018 9:48 AM, Τόλης Χαλκής wrote:
Dear all,

this period i am working on a gsoc project. We develop a c++ library with a
R interface using Rcpp and we plan to submit it to CRAN. We use the default
Rcpp package structure in a folder /root/R-proj. The c++ headers files are
into a folder /root/include outside the R-proj folder. In /root/R-proj/src
we have he .cpp main file and in makevars we include all the files from

The package can be installed successfully without any problem but if we run
devtools::check() in /root/R-poj , it returns an error because it seems
that it is not able to see files outside R package main folder which is

Question: Is this ok or we have to change our package structure and add
include folder into /root/R-proj?

Yes, you need to do the latter, or (if the headers are for standard libraries that users should obtain elsewhere) add a configure script so that R can find them on a user's system, and note the requirement in the DESCRIPTION file SystemRequirements field. It's better if the .tar.gz file is self-contained.

Duncan Murdoch

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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