I am building a R package, and I am facing an issue caused (as far as I 
understand) by the fact that some functions out of my package rely on two 
fuctions having the same name and coming from 2 different packages:


When checking the package via devtools::check(), I get the following warning:

Warning: replacing previous import ‘spatstat::roc’ by ‘pROC::roc’ when loading 

Note that both packages are listed among the Imports in my package's 
DESCRIPTION file, and that (within my functions) I have actually used 
spatstat::roc and pROC::roc where needed.

I have done some web-search but I could not locate any workaround that actually 
fixes my issue.

Do you have any suggestion on the matter?

Dr Gianmarco Alberti (PhD)
Research Support Officer II
Department of Classics and Archaeology
Faculty of Arts
University of Malta

(starting from 3rd September 2018)
Lecturer in Spatial Forensics
Department of Criminology
Faculty for Social Wellbeing
University of Malta

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