On 08/10/2018 7:08 AM, Guido Kraemer wrote:
Hi all,

update: I submitted to CRAN and it passes all test just fine
(https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_coRanking.html). I
still have no idea why travis fails.

That looks as though the travis system isn't using the latest version of some package. Can you see sessionInfo() on the two systems? It prints versions for R and for all used packages. Look for differences there.

Duncan Murdoch

Best Regards,

Guido Kraemer

On 09/17/2018 05:45 PM, Guido Kraemer wrote:

Hi all,

Since a couple of days travis-ci fails for my package coRanking with
"R: devel".
The error message is:

Error in nativeRoutines[[lib]] <- routines :
object 'nativeRoutines' not found

"R: release" and "R: oldrel" work fine. Did some R internals change or
is the
"R: devel" on travis currently broken?

I also sent the package to winbuilder and it works fine with R-devel

You can find the travis build here:


Best Regards,


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