> The manual on R extensions at
> https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html#Using-C_002b_002b11-code
> mentions that
>> It is possible to specify ‘CXX11’ to be a distinct compiler just for
>> C++11–using packages, e.g. g++ on Solaris.
> I tried to set such a directive in my src/Makevars file but appartently
> failed to set it correctly. How do I set in the src/Makevars such that the
> compilation is done using g++ instead of clang++

It is not possible to alter the compiler via src/Makevars, c.f.
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-package-devel/2017q4/002087.html. You
have to use $HOME/.R/Makevars or $R_HOME/etc/Makeconf for that.


Ralf Stubner
Senior Software Engineer / Trainer

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