You don't need .onLoad for this, just put the environment into the
package environment. E.g. simply add

pkg_data <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

to your package code. Then you can refer to pkg_data from the
functions in the package.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 9:40 PM Pascal Title <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing an R package where I would like to have a set of names
> defined once, and which could then be queried from within the various
> functions of the package. The way I have currently set this up is to define
> a new environment that contains these names.
> So, what I currently have is:
> .var <- new.env()
> .var$bio <- "bio_"
> .var$tmin <- "tmin_"
> .var$tmax <- "tmax_"
> What I would like is that this environment be created when the R package is
> loaded. That way, default values are automatically in place, and if the
> user would like to change the naming that they use for tmin, for example,
> they would just need to do (for example):
> .var$tmin <- ‘minTemp_'
> And then these names can be accessed from within any of the functions, and
> this is unlikely to conflict with any R objects the user is defining.
> Where I am stuck is how/where to define this new environment such that it
> is made available when the package is loaded. I tried including the
> following in R/zzz.R:
> .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
>   # define a custom environment for defining the naming of variables
> .var <- new.env()
> # default
> .var$bio <- "bio_"
> .var$tmin <- "tmin_"
> .var$tmax <- "tmax_"
> invisible()
> }
> But if I build/install the package, the .var environment is not already
> created. Any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> -Pascal
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