Hi Roy,

Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-package-devel wrote on 2019-09-24 
> Hi All:
> A few days ago I  had to resubmit because an external URL I was using in my 
> vignette changed and the nightly builds were issuing warnings.  This morning 
> a user reported a bug.  I have the fix and a new version,  but the test 
> machines,  and I suppose it will also be true of CRAN,  are unhappy about the 
> interval since last submit.

They will. ;-)

> Should I just submit the new version anyway with a note in cram-comments that 
> this is a bug fix.

Absolutely. The one-month interval for new versions is a *recommendation*.
If a bug has to be fixed, go for it -- together with an explanation.
Happened to me once as well (new version correcting a bug after two days).
IIRC, Hadley had to submit a new version of one of his packages after 
three days. Murphy's law.


Ing. Helmut Schütz
BEBAC – Consultancy Services for
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
1070 Vienna, Austria
W https://bebac.at/
F https://forum.bebac.at/

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