I am trying to update my mvSLOUCH R package and am getting it rejected due to 
failures on r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang and 
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc . The error is thrown when running the examples 
: Error in chol.default( Some matrix) :  the leading minor of order 1 is not 
positive definite.
The same error can be seen in the current version of mvSLOUCH on CRAN: 
https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_mvSLOUCH.html but only for 
the two Debian flavors not the other ones. I understand what the error means 
and in principle can get around it by using chol()'s pivot option, i.e. I did 
this the first time the submission failed, but then it fails with same error on 
the next call to chol(). But before I go and set pivot=TRUE in all calls to 
chol() I wanted to ask whether you know what change has taken place regarding 
chol() and the Debian flavor? All these examples previously ran without error  
(set.seed() is run first-so everything should be the same) and moreover the 
problem is only on the Debian flavor, not on the others. In the new, being 
rejection submission, I have also used in set.seed(..., kind = 
"Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion") and ran RNGversion("3.6.1") just 
in case there were differences here between flavors.

I would be grateful for some pointers.
Best wishes
Krzysztof Bartoszek

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