You can use the rappdirs package to look up the standard places for
permanent config, cache etc. files. E.g. on macOS:

❯ rappdirs::user_cache_dir()
[1] "/Users/gaborcsardi/Library/Caches"


On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 4:10 PM Jonathan Greenberg <> wrote:
> Folks:
> My package gdalUtils is a wrapper for a set of binaries on disk (the GDAL 
> Utilities) -- these have about as many places to install as there are people 
> installing it, and the system environment variables aren't always much help 
> (they aren't always set) for locating them.  My package is trying to 
> dummy-proof the usage as much as possible, so one of the things it does is if 
> it can't find the install, it goes search for the install in, first, standard 
> locations and runs a short test to see if the install is valid and, if not, 
> goes on a longer hunt.  Right now, it does this search everytime someone 
> boots up R and uses it, which slows down the process.
> What I'm wondering is twofold:
> 1) Are there any packages/methods by which user "preferences" are saved that 
> don't require saving workspaces (e.g. does R have a standardized 
> "preferences" location that packages can use).
> 2) If the answer to #1 is "no", what is the preferred method for saving 
> variables for use by packages that are always restored on boot -- e.g. I was 
> thinking something like .Renviron but I think that's Rstudio only.  I'm 
> concerned with workspace-type saves since I feel like that often results in a 
> ton of variables being saved.
> Thanks!
> --j
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