El lun., 10 feb. 2020 9:24, Spencer Graves <
spencer.gra...@effectivedefense.org> escribió:

> Hello, All:
>        I just ran "revdepcheck::revdep_check" on my development version
> of "https://github.com/sbgraves237/Ecdat";;  copied below. It ended with
> "OK: 16, BROKEN: 0".  That sounds good, except that it also says
> "gamclass 0.58:  E: 1", so I'm confused.
>        Two questions:
>              1.  What does the "E: 1" for "gamclass" mean?  It sounds
> like an error to me, but that contradicts the final message,
> "OK: 16, BROKEN: 0".
>              2.  How can I even find gamclass?  It's not available on
> CRAN.  There, Ecdat only has 15 reverse dependencies, not 16.  I tried
> install.packages('gamclass');  it said, "package ‘gamclass’ is not
> available".  I tried githubinstall::githubinstall('gamclass'). It said:

gamclass existed on CRAN, but was archived:
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gamclass. Just ignore it.


> Select a number or, hit 0 to cancel.
> 1: pik-piam/magclass    Tools for managing classroom organizations
> 2: tscheypidi/magclass  Tools for managing classroom organizations
> 3: rundel/ghclass       Tools for managing classroom organizations
>        ** None of that sounds like "gamclass".
>        What do you suggest?
>        I should probably ignore this?
>        Thanks,
>        Spencer Graves
>   revdepcheck::revdep_check(Ecdat_dir)
> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'revdepcheck':
>    method            from
>    print.maintainers devtools
> ── INIT ──────────────────────────────────── Computing revdeps ──
> ── INSTALL ──────────────────────────────────────── 2 versions ──
> Installing CRAN version of Ecdat
> Installing DEV version of Ecdat
> ── CHECK ───────────────────────────────────────── 16 packages ──
> ✓ catdata 1.2.2                          ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ DCchoice 0.0.15                        ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ discSurv 1.4.1                         ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ DStree 1.0                             ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 1
> ✓ DWreg 2.0                              ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ Ecfun 0.2-2                            ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ flexmix 2.3-15                         ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ gamclass 0.58                          ── E: 1     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ gk 0.5.1                               ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ micEcon 0.6-14                         ── E: 0     | W: 1     | N: 0
> ✓ micEconIndex 0.1-6                     ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ miscTools 0.6-26                       ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ mssm 0.1.3                             ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ plm 2.2-0                              ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ sampleSelection 1.2-6                  ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> ✓ SeleMix 1.0.1                          ── E: 0     | W: 0     | N: 0
> OK: 16
> Total time: 36 min
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