I just looked, you got a repsonse from Swetlana Herbrandt on Dec 16.
Will forward privately.

Uwe Ligges

On 10.04.2020 05:08, John Lawson wrote:
Ok, thanks.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 1:46 PM Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>

On 09/04/2020 3:28 p.m., John Lawson wrote:
I submitted the Package AQLSchemes on Dec 9, 2019. I corrected the errors
noted in the manual inspection and resubmitted it on Jan 9. I got the
message that it passed the automatic checks and was awaiting manual
inspection. I have not heard anything since.  Do I need to resubmitt the
package? Or how can I find out if this package is still in the queue for
manual inspection?

As the CRAN policy document says under Submission, you can see the queue
by looking at ftp://cran.r-project.org/incoming/.  The foghorn package
makes this really easy:  you run foghorn::cran_incoming("AQLSchemes") to
see where your package is sitting.  It doesn't appear to be there at all.

Next time, I'd follow up if you go a week without hearing a reply;
waiting 3 months seems a bit long.

Duncan Murdoch

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