
Thanks for the confirmation that there isn't a formal way to state this 64bit 

have a nice day,

Jan Wijffels
www.bnosac.be  | +32 486 611708

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday 11 May 2020 14:55, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/05/2020 8:46 a.m., Jan Wijffels wrote:
> > Duncan,
> > Thanks for the reply. Let me make this more clear.
> > The R package reticulate works on 32bit and 64bit. My golgotha package 
> > depends on reticulate and an extra Python package called torch which is not 
> > available for 32bit platforms. This is specified in the DESCRIPTION file at 
> > https://github.com/bnosac/golgotha/blob/master/DESCRIPTION#L17
> > For that reason R CMD check will fail on CRAN for 32bit. Hence my question. 
> > How do I specify this in the package such that I can distribute it on CRAN.
> I don't think there's a formal way to state that, and there shouldn't
> be. Maybe some day someone will make 32 bit torch available, and then
> your restriction would be unnecessary. Just state the current situation
> in your submission comments. You may get an automatic rejection because
> of the build failure, then follow the instructions for getting a human
> to look at things.
> It's possible that CRAN will not be flexible on this, because it aims
> for wide portability of the packages it hosts. However, 32 bit systems
> are less and less common, so a good argument about why your package is
> useful even if not usable on some old systems would probably get it
> accepted.
> Duncan Murdoch
> > best,
> > Jan
> > Jan Wijffels
> > Statistician
> > www.bnosac.be  | +32 486 611708
> > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > On Monday 11 May 2020 14:39, Duncan Murdoch murdoch.dun...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > > On 11/05/2020 7:54 a.m., Jan Wijffels wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello everyone,
> > > > I have a package which I would like to host on CRAN. The package is at 
> > > > https://github.com/bnosac/golgotha
> > > > The package only builds on 64bit however because the package uses R 
> > > > package reticulate which requires a python library called torch which 
> > > > does not build on 32 bit platforms.
> > > > So installation only works using INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch"
> > > > How do you specify this to the CRAN maintainers that this is the way it 
> > > > should be set up on CRAN such that it only is built for 64bit systems.
> > >
> > > I don't see how your package has any 32 bit dependence, since it has no
> > > src directory. It's probably sufficient to declare the dependency on
> > > reticulate, which indirectly implies the 32 bit dependence. But if
> > > reticulate works on 32 bit systems as long as users don't need "torch",
> > > then just state that.
> > > One thing I'd recommend: you should try to change the dependency from
> > > Depends to Imports. If there are a few reticulate functions that you
> > > want your users to have access to, you can import them and re-export
> > > them so they're available from your package as well.
> > > Duncan

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