>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson 
>>>>>     on Tue, 7 Jul 2020 18:11:00 -0700 writes:

    > Here's another "Non-file package-anchored link(s) ..."
    > issue.  I'd like to reference parallel::mclapply() in my
    > help pages.  With the new R-devel requirements, you have
    > to link to the file and not the topic.  However, there is
    > no cross-platform stable file reference for
    > parallel::mclapply();

    > # According to R on Linux
    >> basename(help("mclapply", package="parallel"))
    > [1] "mclapply"

    > # According to R on Windows
    >> basename(help("mclapply", package="parallel"))
    > [1] "mcdummies"

Indeed, another example, why we should move away from the
'file' instead of 'topic' (<-> \alias{.}) paradigm and requirement.

I'm optimistic we will do that soonish ...

Apropos: Today starts the virtual [useR! 2020] conference with
         an R-core Keynote and an R-core Panel for asking
         questions :




    > How can I provide a \link{} reference to the
    > help("mclapply", package="parallel") documentation?

    > Thanks,
    > Henrik

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