On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 11:06:31 +0200
Frantisek Bartos <f.barto...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Check: for GNU extensions in Makefiles, Result: WARNING

This warning is easy to deal with:

>JAGS_ROOT ?= c:/progra~1/JAGS/JAGS-4.3.0

Use plain "=" macro definitions, since others aren't considered portable

>SOURCES= $(wildcard *.cc) $(wildcard */*.cc)

Replace $(wildcard ...) with hard-coded lists of files.

See the POSIX standard [*], or, indeed, section 'Writing portable
packages' in WRE [**] for a list of Make features considered portable.

Alternatively, add "GNU make" to SystemRequirements: in your
DESCRIPTION. This will silence the warnings, but require the GNU
flavour of Make to install your package.

>2) the package installation works only from the source. For example,
>devtools::install_github() returns an error since .o files are
>generated inside of the package folder. A similar problem occurs when
>generating the source .tar.gz, however, manually deleting the .o files
>from it fixes the problem and it can be used for installing the

How do you build the source package before installing it? I tried to
git clone your package, then R CMD build . it, and got a perfectly valid
RoBMA_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz without any *.o files inside. I *think* that R
CMD INSTALL <directory> may be not a good idea, but you can add .*\.o$
to .Rbuildignore to prevent the object files from getting inside your
source package this way.

>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Also, please don't post in HTML.

Best regards,



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