On 2020-09-22 02:22, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
One of your vignettes is a 52-page pdf. It may be more suitable to provide a link to it rather than distributing it with the package, or distribute an excerpt.

Some the images in the PDFs could be PDFs themselves, or be pngs with lower resolution.

Yes. That's done by default by "R CMD build / check" on my Mac but not on Linux nor Windows 10. I'm not sure, but I think this problem is fairly recent: I think that "R CMD build / check" on Mac used to run like on Linux and Win10 without creating these huge PDF and HTML files from vignettes. If it's only the figures, I would naively think there should be an option to make sure that the figures were coded in svg so it wouldn't take up as much space. Or, failing that, if the problem is the figures, I can code it so the figures don't plot unless people run them manually. Or maybe I shouldn't be trying to distribute vignettes like this.

          Thanks for the reply.

On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 5:04 pm, Spencer Graves <spencer.gra...@effectivedefense.org <mailto:spencer.gra...@effectivedefense.org>> wrote:

    Hello, All:

               R CMD check of "https://github.com/sbgraves237/Ecfun"; on
    Mac produces
    the following NOTE:

    * checking installed package size ... NOTE
        installed size is  5.9Mb
        sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
          doc   5.2Mb

               It doesn't do that with Travis CI[1] nor on a Windows 10
    computer I
    have.  "Writing R Extensions" suggested using "--compact-vignettes"
    qpdf.  That changed nothing.

               Will this be problem on CRAN?


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