On 24/06/2021 5:15 a.m., Greg Minshall wrote:

when developing packages, my current work flow is to change the code,
(re-)build the package, detach/load the package, test (to find the
N+1'st bug, sigh).

the building step takes tens of seconds.

is there an obvious way to present some code to the R command line and
have it replace the appropriate function in a given package?

or, are there other things people do to speed up this process?

Wolfgang pointed out the devtools way to do this. I don't use that for rgl (a pretty slow 75 second from scratch), but I find R CMD INSTALL pkgdir works fast enough: if C++ source has already been compiled, it won't be compiled again, as it would be if I installed from a tarball. A second build after a clean build takes about 15 seconds. That's acceptable for me.

A disadvantage of the devtools method is that a regular build after load_all() seems to do a full 75 sec build: load_all caches things for itself, but doesn't put them in the same place as a regular build, so make doesn't see the object files, and rebuilds all of them. Or at least it did that last time I tried it, a few months ago.

As Dirk said, you can also use command line options to suppress building vignettes or other things if they take too long.

Duncan Murdoch

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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