>>>>>     on Mon, 5 Jul 2021 17:46:54 -0400 writes:

    > Gm:

    > Did you try completely removing the LazyData line from the
    > description file?

    > David

Dear David,

where did you get this "idea" that 'LazyData'  is not good  for
 R 4.1.0 and newer ?

R's own  {datasets} package  *does* use lazyloading, and so do
most (formally) recommended packages, and I think most packages
I (co-)maintain, i.e., around two dozen CRAN packages do use
lazyloaded data.

*) The `Matrix` package is a big exception with 'Lazyload: No'
because its datasets partly are (S4-) classed objects from the package
itself, and -- as the "WRE" ('Writing R Extensions') manual
states -- package datasets must not *need* the package itself when
they should be lazy loaded.


Martin Maechler
ETH Zurich  and  R Core Team

    > From: Gianmarco Alberti ..
    > Sent: Monday, July 5, 2021 5:13 PM 

    > Hello,

    > Thank you all for the suggestions.

    > I am starting being a bit worried because I seem not being
    > able to fix the issue.


    > I also tried to keep the new dependency and to drop the
    > lazy download instead (in DESCRIPTION I have put LazyData:
    > false). I got the same results as above.

    > The package checks perfectly on my MAC, and checked
    > perfectly when I asked a Win users to test the package on
    > his PC (with the latest version of R).

    > I am really scratching my head.


    > On 5 Jul 2021, 13:25 +0200, dbosa...@gmail.com
    > <mailto:dbosa...@gmail.com> , wrote:

    > For the lazy loading error, if you are not intentionally
    > lazy loading data, you should remove the lazy loading
    > entry from the description file. Previously this was not
    > causing any problems with the CRAN checks, but now it is.

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