On 12/09/2021 5:09 p.m., Sebastian Meyer wrote:
Am 12.09.21 um 19:25 schrieb Konrad Rudolph:

My recent CRAN package submission failed with a win-builder error during
the tests and vignette building *of the previously submitted version* [1]:

      Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) :
        DLL 'rlang' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?

(The log also shows another testing error with the new version which I can
make neither heads nor tails of, but that’s a separate issue.)

My package does not directly depend on 'rlang' (though it is a transitive
'Suggests' (build time) dependency via 'testthat'). I’m at a loss how to
fix this issue. The closest I could find was [2], where the error is caused
by tests being run for a mismatching architecture. In my case, the error
seems to be caused by 'testthat' not being able to load the rlang DLL for
x64 (weirdly the tests run to completion for the [mismatching] i386
architecture). Given that I don’t control (a) which architecture is tested
on win-builder, nor (b) how 'testthat' loads its dependencies, how can I
fix this?

… or was this error included in the win-builder output of the new
submission as a simple FYI and can be safely ignored?

Yes, the current CRAN status of the package is appended just FYI / for

These appended check results in the Debian pre-test output regularly
confuse package developers. I am suggesting (to R-core) to simply add

Sebastian:  R-core isn't involved in this.  CRAN is a separate group.

Duncan Murdoch

more empty lines before "current CRAN status" and maybe it should also
say something like "(for comparison)" to clarify that these results are
not the reason for the failure of the automatic pretest.

Best regards,

        Sebastian Meyer

[2] https://github.com/r-hub/rhub/issues/476

Konrad Rudolph // @klmr

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