
I have written a function which
- checks if the input is a raw-vector
- if the input is a file-descriptor, it converts the file-content to a raw-vector
- if the input is a URL, it converts the content to a raw vector
- if the input is a character-string, it is converted to a raw vector.

The URL-test relys on package pingr (line 17 in 'input_to_raw.R'). 'is_online() tests if there is an internet-connection. Line 18 tests if the URL is a valid URL. This test relys on the code in 'Rex.R'. (I don't know why I have to explicitly include 'library("rex")' in the code since I have added rex to the Imports in the DESCRIPTION)

After incorporating this code in my package, the package passes all tests both under Linux as on Windows(10).

devtools::check_win_devel however returns with this error:

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h) :
  response reading failed

How can I solve this problem?


#' @title input_to_raw
#' @return 'Raw' vector
#' @param input Character vector length 1
#' @description Convert \emph{input} to a length-1 character vector.
#' @details If \emph{input} is a reference to a file, the number of bytes
#' corresponding to the size is read. If it is an URL, the URL is read and converted to a 'Raw' vector.
#'     The function does not catch errors.
#' @export

input_to_raw <- function(input) {
  type <- typeof(input)
  pi <- pingr::is_online()
  va <- grepl(re, input)
  switch (type,
          "raw"       = raw_input <- input,       # Raw
          "character" = {
            if (input == "") {                    # Empty input
              raw_input <- raw(0)
            } else if (file.exists(input)) {      # File on filesystem
              finfo <- file.info(input)
              toread <- file(input, "rb")
raw_input <- readBin(toread, what = "raw", size = 1, n = finfo$size)
} else if (pi && va && (get_URL <- httr::GET(input))$status ==200) {
              raw_input <- get_URL$content
            else {                                # String
              raw_input <- charToRaw(input)
default = stop("Unknown input-type, please report the type of the input."



valid_chars <- rex::rex(except_some_of(".", "/", " ", "-"))

re <- rex::rex(
  # protocol identifier (optional) + //
  group(list("http", maybe("s")) %or% "ftp", "://"),
  # user:pass authentication (optional)
        maybe(":", zero_or_more(non_space)),
  #host name
group(zero_or_more(valid_chars, zero_or_more("-")), one_or_more(valid_chars)),
  #domain name
zero_or_more(".", zero_or_more(valid_chars, zero_or_more("-")), one_or_more(valid_chars)),
  #TLD identifier
  group(".", valid_chars %>% at_least(2)),
  # server port number (optional)
  maybe(":", digit %>% between(2, 5)),
  # resource path (optional)
  maybe("/", non_space %>% zero_or_more()),

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